Tree, Step or Pyramid Cipher
Plaintext: Fog
Ciphertext: T3R3E1 T5R5E1 T4R4E4
Sa T-section you have to look kung saang row yung letter kagaya nung F nasa 3rd column siya kaya naging T3 at sa R-section din tapos sa E-section naman tignan mo yung slanting, yung A hanggang U, yung B hanggang Z and so on.... So diba yung F ay nasa 1st slant sya so kaya naging E1. Repeat the process nalang :)Note: yung dots dun sa pyramid ay para sa space lang.
Codes and Ciphers
Детектив / ТриллерIt contains different codes where very applicable to all of you who loves mysteries. I also includes all of my learnings and studies that talks about unfamiliar ideas or codes stuffs. I make it for my own book and I want to share it to all of my co...