Chapter 12

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Warning this chapter will be very sad very sad so if you don't want to cry I suggest you skip this chapter I will be doing a recap next chapter of you don't read this one thank you all for reading my story comment vote and tell friends if you like it ok here's is chapter 12 please don't hate me for this I already hate my self 😭😭😭

Michaels pov
Buzz Buzz. My phone vibrated from my bedside table. I looked over at the screen to see Violet was calling me. I slid my finger across the answer button and raised the phone to my ear.
"Hey babe" I said quietly.
"M-m-Mikey" she breathed out my name stuttering like crazy signaling that she is crying.
"What's wrong."
"I w-was a-at the the mall and c-Calum came home with me and when he had to go home l-Luke said he would meet me at the park to get c-cal but when I got there I didn't see him and I hit him god Mikey he's in the hospital what if he dies it's all my fault."

(Recap thing violets pov when she hits Luke)

"Calum shut your mouth so I can focus on the road."
"Babe you love the sound of my voice." Calum's laughter filled the car making me smile and laugh along. We had almost reached the park when something came out of no where and I hit it with a hard smack. A deep crackling noise sounded from the side of the car along with a grunt in pain. I halted the car to a stop and looked over the side to see a blonde quiff and a silver lip ring. And that's when it hit me I hit Luke.

Jumping out of the car I ran to Luke's side letting tears escape along the way. "Luke!" I screamed as I lifted his head to see blood coming from his head and his knees. "Luke talk to me I'm so sorry please talk to me." I couldn't see straight. Tears where blurring my vision all I could think was what would I do if Luke where to die.

(At the hospital with Calum and Luke)
Violets pov:

"Violet it's not your fault he came out of no where don't beat your self up he will be ok I promise you." Calum was seated under neath me as I cry into his chest. Yes I was sitting in Calum's lap but it was because of how hard I was crying. "Calum if he does die it's my fault I hit him I could be the cause of his death god damn it." I screamed and got off of his lap so I could pace back and forth.
"Miss you need to take a seat." a nurse from behind a desk said to me.

" Listen to me you bitch my best fucking friend is in there ok I am the reason he is in there so if I want to mother fucking stand a pace or fucking scream on the god damn top of my lungs I will and there is not a thing you can do about It so shut your mouth and go back to being useless." I spit the words off of my mouth like vile I hated it at hospitals and I hate nurses like that one. The kind that think there important when there not. I continued to pace but stopped when a doctor came out asking for a Violet. "yes sir that's me" I said walking closer to him. "Luke hasn't stopped asking for you he really wants to see you could you follow me." I nodded my head and followed the doctor to Luke's room.

"Hey" I said in a soft voice. The doctor left me once I reached the door so I could talk to him alone.

Luke looked over at me and smiled.
His mouth was busted open and his eyes were red his knee had bandages on them and his head did to. "Luke I'm so sorry this is all my fault I didn't mean to hit you my god I love you so much Luke I'm so sorry" I ran over to his bed and sat next to him squeezing his not hurt hand. " I know it's ok but listen the doctors they said I have a lot of head damage they don't think I'm going to make it."
"Don't say that they are wrong you will make it."
"Ok I won't but if I don't I want you to know something."
"Luke please don't do this don't say good bye."
"I'm not saying good bye love I'm saying see you later." I let out a little laugh and so did he but tears came to.

"I want you to know this isn't your fault it's nobody's fault and I want you to know that you are my best friend we always hang out wether it be at a restaurant laughing like we did when we first met. Or playing video games in the basement or just walking like we do everyday. You have changed me Violet I told you things I have never told before like how my dad abuses me or how I have a beauty mark on my left ass cheek above a scar. point is I love you so much and if I go I will go happy because I had you in my life."
"Luke please don't do this I love you so much and you aren't going to die not yet we are going to have so much more memories and fun times together you are going to help me and Mikey get through all our problems and you are going to marry tabby Luke you aren't going to die." I put my hand on his cheek and looked him in the eye. He mumbled a come here and pulled me into his arms. Sobs came out of my mouth loudly as Luke held me in his arms. "I'm sorry but time is up like we need to run more test you can come back tomorrow." I nodded my head at the doctors and kissed Luke's head before standing up and saying ' I will see you tomorrow Luke because you are my fighter and you will make it through this.'

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