iida and tokoyami are s a d b o i s

769 22 7

TW // panic attack, angst

[ 1-a chat ]

Aoyama: glittersexual

Mina: high on life

Tsu: tsu

Iida: iidad

Uraraka: uwu

Ojiro: furry

Denki: danki

Kirishima: the rock

Koda: best boi

Sato: the cook

Shoji: squidward but not

Jirou: airpods

Sero: swill phift

Tokoyami: emo god

Todoroki: oh canada

Hagakure: un visible

Bakugou: king boom boom boy

Midoriya: short

Mineta: (not in chat)

Momo: momother

Shinsou: insomnia

Tensei: nyoom

Haisley: panic! everywhere

Hatsuki: sexy momma

Shift: Shift

Azure: Azure

Bonnie: drop kick

sexy momma: wth happened last night

tsu: back read

sexy momma: kk

sexy momma: woah are they ok????

emo god is online

emo god: im fine

emo god is offline

oh canada: he is not fine

squidward but not: c o n c e r n

momother: ok thats it- all of you common room, n o w

momother: we are doing something about this

momother: i wanna be a good mom

Shift: ok but bonnie i swear to god if you try to drop kick the grape one more time-

drop kick:  0 - 0

insomnia: e x p o s e d

insomnia has added Shouta Aizawa to chat

momother: Hello Mr.Aizawa!

insomnia: iida and tokoyami are being depressed bastards and they need to n o t b e

Shouta Aizawa: what do you want me to do

insomnia: i dont know- h e l p t h e m ?

iidad is offline

insomnia: oh shit he was online-

momother: you dumbass-

insomnia: i didnt know he was online ok-

emo god is online

emo god: guys i told you im fine

oh canada: no your not fine

oh canada: its a code purple isnt it

emo god: ....... mayhaps

insomnia: @airpods get the blankets and ill get the snacks

momother: ????? what is going on ?????

oh canada: i got the movie

airpods: already at the dorm

[ Tokoyami POV ]

    "I cant do anything right." I curl up in a ball, crying and hyperventilating. I barely hear Jirou, Shinsou and Todoroki. Everything is blurry, and I start to see my vision going black. Then i pass out.

[ Iida POV ]

  "I cant do anything right" That has been the only thing in my head all day. Its true. I can't do anything right. I couldn't save Tensei, I couldn't help Todoroki and Midoriya, i couldn't help Tokoyami and Haisley, and Tokoyami hates me now.

   I curl into my pillow trying to stop crying when i hear a knock on my door. "Who is it?" They respond. "Its Tsu" "oh" I look up at the door, "come in", she walks in and immediately runs over. "Iida what's wrong?" I burry my head in my pillow and mumble "i cant do anything right"

   "Iida..." I look up at her, crying harder now. "What! It's true! I couldn't save Tensei, I couldn't help Todoroki and Midoriya, i couldn't help Tokoyami and Haisley, and Tokoyami hates me now!" She hugs me and I freeze. "Iida he doesn't hate you, Jirou explained to the girls that he gets angry and defensive when people find out his past."

  I look down, confused "His past...?"

"I'm fine!" BNHA ChatficWhere stories live. Discover now