
564 18 6

[bakusquad chat]

(the names are the same as the 1-a chat)

swill phift; Kamiiiiii

danki; w h a t

swill phift; come to my dormmmm

high on life; s p i c y

danki; 0/////////0 shut

king boom boom boy; ha bottom

the rock; you one to talk kat

high on life; KAT?!!!!

danki; KAT?!!!!

swill phift; KAT?!!!

king boom boom boy; SHUT YOUR ASSES UP 

the rock; katsu be niceee

high on life; KATSU???

king boom boom boy is offline

swill phift; oh no we scared him off-

the rock; = (

danki; nu we made kiri sad

the rock; hes at my dorm rn = D

high on life; ; )


danki; oop-

king boom boom boy is online

king boom boom boy; ALL OF YOU GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP

danki; ok m o m

king boom boom boy; I WILL FUCKING M U R D E R YOU DUNCE FACE

swill phift; please dont

high on life; ha s o f t

king boom boom boy and danki are offline

swill phift; denki if you die i will literally kill bakugou

the rock; you wouldnt d a r e

king boom boom boy; GO TO SLEEP YOU FUCKING EXTRAS

the rock; oki = )

[ dekusquad ]

short; iida

tsu; iida

uwu; iida

oh canada; iida

support gal; iida

insomnia; iida

azure; iida

iidad; whAt

short; do you have a crushh~~

iidad; mayhaps

support gal; he d o e s

iidad; s h u t

uwu; who is it??

iidad; ...

iidad; it may or may not be Tokoyami

uwu; DAMM IT

iidad; did i do something wrong?

uwu; no, i just owe mina 5 dollars now-

iidad; did- 

iidad; did you bet on who i had a crush on-

short; they did

short; uwuaraka thought you had a crush on aoyama

iidad; i-

short; mina got it right somehow

iidad has gone offline

support gal; go to s l e e p

oh canada; ok m o m

support gal; i can kill you in your sleep

oh canada; please do

short; shoto no-

uwu; sHOTO??

tsu; SHOTO?

oh canada and short have gone offline

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