TokoIida comes true~~

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[ Tokoyami and Todoroki DMs ]

Todoroki: Toko

Tokoyami: ?

Todoroki: do you wanna see what Iida said yesterday?

Tokoyami: yes-

Todoroki has sent one photo

Tokoyami: . . .

Tokoyami: he feels the same as me? he's not with Mei?

Todoroki: ofc he feels the same! no he's not with Mei, she's just a bitch

Tokoyami: I'm going to think about this

Tokoyami: thank you

Tokoyami has gone offline

[ Iida and Todoroki DMs ]

Todoroki has sent 3 screenshots

Todoroki: he feels the same way 

Iida: . . .

Iida: I need to talk to him

Iida: thank you

Iida has gone offline

[ Iida and Tokoyami DMs ]

Iida: Tokoyami? Can we talk?

Tokoyami: sure

Iida: Todoroki showed me what you said

Tokoyami: . . .

Iida: I have a question, but I want to ask it irl

Tokoyami: I'll come to your dorm

Iida: Ok, thank you

Tokoyami: np

Both have gone offline

[ Iida POV ]

  I sat on my bed nervous ' What if he lied? What if he says no? what if- ' My thoughts get cut off as I hear a knock at the door, I get up and open the door. "Hey Tokoyami" He had to look up slightly to look me in the eyes, "Hey Iida" He was smiling ' He never smiles... ' I let him in the room and he sits down.

  "What did you want to ask me?" I was even more nervous. "I wanted to ask you... if you would go out with me?" He looks shocked "R- Really?" I nodded. He hugs me. "I would love to!" We sit there like that for a while when he falls asleep. I smiled. ' God I love him...

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