some creakheadness before angst

589 22 1

[ 1-a chat ]

emo god; why is hawks such a fucking hoe

oh canada; ?

emo god; this bitch has slept with all of you family dumbass

oh canada; i-

emo god; i was at hero meeting rn and hawks and endeavor left and endeavour walked in with feathers all over him

oh canada; wait my d a d?

emo god; yes your dad 

emo god has added Dabi to chat

emo god; dabi i know your sleeping with hawks and a todoroki so please back read

Dabi; dear god what the fuck

emo god has added Hawks to chat

emo god; explain to your boyf why your sleeping with his dad

Dabi; please do explain

Hawks; i- uh- 

iidad; tokoyami its like 3 am go to sleep

iidad; same for the rest of you

Hawks; uh yea ima listen to the smort one so b y e b i t c h

hawks has left chat

emo god; this isn't over hawks

iidad; go the fuck to sleep omfg

iidad has deleted one message

emo god has sent one screenshot

oh canada; oofers man

dabi; did-

dabi; did shoto just meme-

emo god; oh yea you left him at 6 so yes he can fucking meme

dabi; ;-;

oh canada; toko chill

momother; go to bed

momother; including you dabi

dabi; ima sleep but im staying in this chat for t e a 

emo god; dear fucking shelbert you sound like hawks omfg-

(( a chapter made at one am because fuck you ))

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