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This is gonna help us understand Mat, Steph, and Tera a bit more so bear with me here ;-)

Mats p.o.v
We were asking Joey if he knew anything more about this town and he said that the Society against evil could not defeat whatever evil was here and that is why we are here. Tera was sitting on the couch staring up at the ceiling. She seemed a lot better than earlier which put me at ease. I didn't realize how much she felt, meant to me. We have known each other for so long that I kinda made it my second nature, but she did mean so much to both me and Steph. She believed in me when I couldn't get a job, she worked two jobs to pay both of our bills, she was supportive of everything I did but still would never let me be anywhere near being toxic. I once asked her why she did so much for us, her answer was simple.
"Why?" she giggled but then her face took a more serious turn before continuing. She let out a sigh "Because not a lot of people in my life actually take the time to get to know me, I mean they might know what my personality and stuff are but not the real me or sometimes doesn't accept me for me." I could see her eyes welling up but I didn't say anything and let her continue. "So when people actually put in the effort to get to know me even when I'm not the type to really open up, I- it's bittersweet that way I like when people care about me but it also feels like I'm wasting their energy and time by having it spent on me" People who get that reference, I will give you a cookie. Hint:- it's from a game;-) leave ur guess in the comments.
Tears start rolling down her face, she's not usually like this, she's strong, confident, bold but right now she's vulnerable. I wiped away the tears from her eyes and hugged her "I can't believe people can just go by not knowing how amazing you truly are!"
After a while she let go of me and so did I. She wiped off her tears and beamed a sweet smile at me. "How can you smile like that?" I looked at her concerned "Wow really your just gonna make me say everything aren't you, well ok then. This smile is a skill that I kinda picked up so that others aren't gonna notice when I'm sad" she explained in a calm voice "I'm just very stubborn to crying in the presence of others that way, I just want others to be happy and not be sad because of me but crying is as open as a person I can get and that goes for both you and Steph, you two are the best friends I could ask for" The fact that she was comfortable with crying in the presence of me and Steph and also the fact that we ease her saddens was more than enough credit for me for anything she has ever done. "Aww Tera" Steph called from behind, startling Tera. Steph came running up, wrapping Tera up in her arms and I could see her face turning red. Apparently, Steph was patently standing there the whole time and not even I noticed. I let out a smile and joined in on the hug.

Hey Anna here, next chapter is coming shortly in the meantime I thought it would be nice to put in a bonus chapter

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