Wicked Witches

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Tera's p.o.v
"It wasn't fair what happen, they didn't have a chance" Mat mumbled. Ro and I were sitting next to him on the couch trying to calm him down but two, we lost two of our friends. I was still in dismay myself. The fact that the rules could get switched up on us like that made me lose any sort of safety that I felt.

Meanwhile Manny and Nikita we're by the arcade machines snickering away and Joey's just lost at this point. I'm frickin tired of this

"Ok guys enough!"

I sighed angrily, standing up from the couch. "If we don't work together we will all die here, this is exactly what they want us to do, they want is to fight!" Nikita sighed

"Look I know you probably don't like me-" "I never said I didn't like you, I don't like the side of you coming out right now" Mat interrupted, it pains me to see him like this. There is no shame in being a survivor but there is also an option to gloat about and smile when your friends die.

"You seem darker more competitive" he continued "You don't understand what I was going throug- I DO!" Mat yelled "Yo- you know what we're not gonna fight about this!" Nikita finally admitted.

"Ok guys we don't have time for this we have to find the next artifact, let's look at the map and see what's next"

And with that Mathew stood up and we grabbed the map off the wall. We have to move forward with the mission. We look at the map and suddenly there are three new places on the map.

There is a gas station, a cemetery, and a bridge that leads to the cemetery and we're thinking where the hell are we going next.

"What's first!?" Joey asked "Burned at the stake sounds exiting" Mat spoke and suddenly there was this loud blood-curdling sound coming from outside

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Mat yelled, "What was that!?" Ro followed and we saw Mortimer burst in through the door.

"MORTIMER!" We all yelled together in relief. He was gasping for air, he seemed like he just ran a mile. "Where are you coming fro-"

"They're gonna burn him alive!" He gasped interrupting my question "WHO!?" We shouted in unison. "We don't have time for this anymore!" He gasped again

"Who- Wha-What are you talking about?" He asked us to follow us and we ran after him. We go to the pump station and there was this guy tied up with a hood on his face.

'Ok out of all the crazy stuff that happens today I didn't think that there was gonna be a witch trial here'

"She'll be back soon to burn me"

"Who's gonna burn you?" Mat asked "The witches, they'll be back to burn me you have to find the key" The guy was starting to freak out.

'I'm sorry did he just say WITCHES!?, of course, he did what next Godzilla's gonna come out of the roof'

"WHERE IS THE KEY?" I yelled to him "I don't know" he yelled back

'of course, he doesn't'

So we start searching around and this entire place is just a bloody mess, there is blood everywhere, crashes on the wall's it was kinda spookin me out.

"Are we sure we should trust this guy?" Mat asked, "He's gonna get burned alive!" Mortimer replied, "Ok Mat has a point everyone we met in this frekin town was evil!" I shouted "We can only keep pushing forward" Mortimer yelled back

"We can only keep pushing forward great!" I mumbled to myself as I looked around in the dirt with my heels.

"Oh My God What is this!?"

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