Chapter 1

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“Savanna, you need to sleep, you’ve been up for nearly three days,” I heard a voice, it sounded clearer then what I normally heard. It was Savanna’s mom.

“I want to make sure that I’m here when he’s awake,” Savanna’s stubborn attitude always made me smile. It was so cute.

Other noises came to my ears. There was a steady rhythm that was mimicking my heart beat. I also heard the drop of liquid, and the breathing of my visitors.

Another sense of mine came back. I felt the liquid being pushed into my vein through a small tube. It felt like I had suction cups stuck to my torso. I also felt something odd. Something wasn’t right. It was within me. I could’t figure it out. All I knew is that it didn’t feel right.

I opened my eyes. I was blinded by the white room. As soon as my vision cleared up a bit I saw Savanna looking over me. She wore a smile on her face. It showed off the one dimple on her right cheek that she hated and I adored. This is the girl I love.

Suddenly, the memory of what happened rushed to my head. It followed with growl. My heart quickened and I heard a shuffle of feet. The pain shot through my head again. It wasn’t nearly as intense, but it was enough to make me groan in agony.

I saw an unfamiliar face and felt the touch of her cool skin checking all of my attached wires and all that stuff. The light intensified and my skin felt like it was burning. What was going on with me?

A moment later all the lights when out, but I could see perfectly. I felt a stirring inside of me as another presence approached my bed. It felt dark, but friendly.

“Is he going to be okay?” I heard Savannas sweet soft voice ring out.

“He is fine, he just needs to be alone for a while,” The new presence had said. There was something very sinister about his voice. Something just didn’t add up. This man was not a doctor, “but, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

I turned my head to see my girlfriend walk away. All I wanted was to hold her. Just to feel her against me. Her sweet sent that filled my nose and her soft hair against my face. I missed her every moment she wasn’t in sight.

“All right Sulyya, why did you choose the kid?” The man asked as soon as the room was empty.

Sulyya? That wasn’t my name. My name is Zayne. How could he possibly mix that up? Better yet, what was he talking about?

“This is a suitable host for what we have planned,” my mouth opened and sound did come out, but It wasn’t my voice or by my choosing. Something was terribly wrong. What was this?

Another wave of pain shot through my body. My back arched, something was growing out of my shoulder blades. I may not be a doctor myself, but stuff like this is definitely not normal.

“Sulyya, don’t be impatient, he must grow accustom to your presence,” the man had spoken again. I turned to look as soon as the pain left me and the ringing in my ears left.

He was tall, striking, and had broad shoulders. His posture was excellent as if he had been scolded by his mother to stand straight when he was a child. His hair was short, probably only about two inches in length. The man had a clean face, and was thin. His skin was super pale, but the most striking feature that he had was his eyes. They were a deep shade of red. They almost looked like the would be glowing in this dark enclosure.

“I’ll take as long as I need. He is young, it won’t be long,” The same dark voice exited my throat. Well, it was hard to not notice that there could very well be another person inside me. I was talking when I didn’t want to after all.

The man simply nodded. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small tablet. It looked like it was Tylenol or some sort of pain killer, “I’ll send you back, erase the last few days to when you broke into him”.

I was so confused. Was he talking about going back in time? Thats impossible. No one can go back in time.

“We will meet again Zayne, when you are ready,” The strange man walked over and shoved the pill into my mouth and forced me to chew.

I was scared. I just wanted Savanna to come back and hold me. To make this all stop. To protect me like she always did when I was scared.

My vision started to leave me again. I fell back against the bed. Unable to move anything. I felt like I was falling. Falling fast. It didn’t seem to end. My stomach turned and flipped. I felt very sick.

Suddenly it all stopped....

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