Chapter 4

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“You can’t escape me!” A deep voice rumbled through the forest in which I was running through.

All it did was motivate me to run faster. My legs burned, the blood that rushed through my body began to make me lightheaded. I couldn’t stop, not with the pounding footsteps so close behind me. I had to keep going. I had to.

I tripped on an uprooted tree thingie, like the stuff you see in the horror movies. I fell face first into the cold hard surface of the forest floor. I felt the skin on my cheek tear, hot blood started to pour out.

I started to crawl away but a huge pressure pressed down on my back. It was the monsters foot. I felt him crush my ribs, which resulted in my screams of pain and agony. I tried to roll away; it was useless. My struggles where futile.

“You think you can get away?” the voice boomed. I felt the creature’s cold breath on the back of my neck. Goosebumps shot through my body.

I laid still, accepting my defeat. This was my demise and this was the end. I let the tears that I held back fall into the cold dirt. I was then rolled over. I looked straight up into the menacing purple eyes. The stared right into my soul.

I coughed out blood in an attempted to ask it why it was doing this. I just wanted to know. I was going to die anyways so why not know what the reason for the murder was right? Who was I going to tell?

It picked me up but my jacket and held me against the tree. It pulled its arm back as if to strike me. I cringed. This was it. Goodbye world

I sat straight up. Sweat dripped off of my face. I looked at my alarm clock, it told me it was almost midnight. All I wanted to do was take a nap and I slept for nearly

Six hours. Great way to skip out on finishing my homework I guess. I don’t think that excuse will work as good as ‘my dog ate my homework’. I got up and walked down the stairs.

Why was it that I always saw those same purple eyes? Something just wasn’t all the way right here and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. Well, not really. The whole idea scared the crap out of me. It has to be all a figment of my imagination.

Why would I be imagining this though? Why was it always almost the same exact thing as before? Two dreams and that weird mirror thing is on the list of weird things. Maybe I’m just low on my vitamins and stuff like that.

I opened up the fridge and poured myself a glass of that amazing coconut milk. I quickly guzzled it down and put my glass on the counter. A shadow-like figure moved out of the corner of my eye. I ignored it and walked back upstairs to lay down.

I put on some music so I didn’t have to listen to the stupid neighbor’s dog barking at anything that moved. If there was anything in this world I hated more than Justin Beiber, it was dogs that wouldn’t stop barking.

Hawthorne Heights started playing and I slipped into my comfort zone. This was definitely my kind of music. It would be so nice to be signed up and have people love my music. That was just a crazy dream that will never come true. That’s why I’ll be a teacher of some sort.

I chuckled at the thought of that and closed my eyes. Time for sleep. Night world, I’ll be back in about five hours when I have to get ready for school.

“You will never escape me,” the voice echoed through my ears.

I laid face down in a pile of cold dirt. The scent reminded me of the forest I went to every year with my grandpa as a camping trip. I also felt warmth coming out of my face. I was bleeding.

Powerful arms picked me up and pinned me against the tree. A strange sense of De ja vu crept over me. Why did this all seem familiar to me?

The figure pulled back his arm and looked me straight in the eyes. They were a deep purple. They almost looked like they were glowing. In a flash the figure pounded the tree that he was holding me against with his fist. I felt the bark and dirk hit against me. This thing was inhumanly strong.

“Quit your petty resistance and follow me, human,” The figure threw me down against the ground. It hurt too.

I quickly rose to my feet when the figure made a threatening move to cause me more pain. I wondered why it hadn’t killed me and instead told me to follow it. I took carful steps in the direction of the figures movements.

“There are things that I can only teach you while you sleep. Don’t disappoint me,” it snarled over it’s shoulder

What was that supposed to mean? All I was getting from this was more questions than answers.

We made our way to a small clearing. The shadow thing moved out into the dim light and I followed. When I exited, the dim lighting grew brighter. I stopped waiting for my eyes to focus…

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