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Amber opened her eyes and cringed... Fuck what the hell? She touched her head and regretted that action.

Back in her cell. Her life was one repetitive nightmare. She must have touched a nerve with Darius. Something was most definitely off with his family. But ouch! He knocked her out.

Amber sat up and felt dizzy, one hell of a migraine that was for sure. She needed some pain killers.

She endured the pain for the whole night. Nobody came to her aid, not that she was expecting anybody to. In fact, Darius didn't show up until a week later. The guards were the ones sending her food through the slot.

Amber was treated worse than a dog.

She tried not to let it affect her. That was a hard feat to undertake, everything was getting to her. She was in hell. In literal hell.

She wasn't expecting it when Darius walked into her cell. Amber was sitting in on the bed leaning up against the wall when he walked in. She began to panic.

He was here to hurt her again.

He looked and smelt amazing. Amber was too afraid to look away. What was he going to do to her this time?

He sat on the chair like he did on most of his visits. He opened his legs wide and leaned back.

"I am going to give you some advice..." Okay... "And for your own sake I really suggest you listen carefully." Right. "You are never to mention my father... Ever in your life. I will cripple you... Do not bring him up in discussion, do not think about him."

Amber was curious... Why was he telling her that?

"If you ever think to pull out a weapon on me again, you will not live to talk about it. Are you understanding me?"

She had so much to say, so much, but she decided to keep her mouth shut. In truth, she wanted to attack him again. She wanted to fight him... To do anything... She just needed to feel like she tried. She didn't want to sit back and allow him to hurt her. She felt like such a loser not being able to fight him.

Amber had been eating every single thing she was being served. She wanted to get better, needed to gain strength to take this asshole on. She would never stop fighting for her freedom... She just needed to gain the strength to be able to see that through, so no matter how bad she wanted to throw the food away, she forced herself to eat every last bit on her plate.

"Did you register what I told you?" He asked. He was serious... Then again, this jerk was always serious.

Amber drew in a deep breath. "What is the end game for me?" She dared and asked. "I mean... If you're going to kill me, do it already. I'm done. I don't care..." She said shrugging her shoulders. "It's apparent that Antony is never going to find me... Just kill me. Get your revenge once and for all... Kill me."

"I dictate how this game is played." He said looking at her darkly.

"Fuck off already. What is this about. I never sent your brother anything!" She yelled now. She was so over this. She was being punished for something she didn't do. Darius' eyes turned black. He looked murderous. Was he going to knock her out again? She hoped he did.


"No seriously... What is this about? I never ever messaged him anything. I only saw him when he would show up. I never had anything to do with him." Amber never really cared enough to even look at Marlo. He was cute and all but it was Darius who caught her attention. She didn't know why, but she was so taken by his complete uninterest in her that she found herself constantly looking at him in secret. Never Marlo. She had no idea where he got his information from.

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