Chapter 18 - Subaru's Lie

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(Y/n Pov)

Currently, I was walking around the mansion after I had a good sleep. I guess I was really tired from all the training, huh?

As I walked through the hallway, I spotted Emilia and Puck. Waving to them, I waited as they approached me.

Emilia: "Good afternoon, Y/n. Did you have a good sleep?"

Y/n: "Yeah, thanks for carrying me to my room, though. I owe you one."

Emilia: "Don't mention it. If you don't mind, want to walk together with us?"

Y/n: "Sure, I have nothing much to do today, anyways, other than training and studies. Training and studies..."

Emilia gave out a small chuckle as we walked together while talking about several topics. Puck also joined once in a while as he sat on top of my head or Emilia's.

When we reached downstairs, I spotted Subaru—who was doing some weird things again... If I looked closer, I could see that he was acting out of character.

Subaru: "Honestly, Emilia-tan! Every time we meet, you stir my heart! You're such a sinful girl! You're guilty!"

He then looked over at me with a smile. I could see it on his face by his expression.

Subaru: "Seriously, Y/n! You get to talk to Emilia-tan every day—I'm so jealous! Ah, but our friendship is higher, so it doesn't matter!"

I looked over at Emilia before looking back at Subaru. Taking Puck off my head, I gave him quietly to Emilia, who looked at me in confusion.

Walking over to Subaru, who kept doing weird poses and saying some weird stuff, I couldn't help but feel sad.

Y/n: "Subaru, please stop and stay still. You're making a fool out of yourself right now."

Subaru: "Ah, if Y/n said so! What do you want me to stop for? Do you perhaps want to talk with me? I'm so happy! But I'm busy, so-"

Letting out a sigh, I accumulated mana from my gate to my eyes. Sure enough, my vision became clearer as I could feel mana from the surrounding and on each person's body. Spending time on gaining knowledge of my power from all the previous timelines was worth it.

It was now that Subaru completely stopped his acting and stared at me with wide eyes. Good. I need him to stay still to do this anyway.

Y/n: "Stay still."

Focusing on the mana surrounding my body, I went to envelop it on Subaru as I used one of the powers of an Élan Vital: Lumea Vindeca - a spell that I found out recently that I could do with my eyes.

Its healing ability is top-notch! Though it costs a lot of manas. I can probably hold it for around a minute or two before I exhausted all of my mana.

As the mana that surrounds me also surrounds Subaru, it healed both physical and mental health back to normal as I could see his complexion got better. When I deemed everything was ok, I stopped it and quietly closed my eyes before opening it.

Subaru stood there, shocked. He started to check his body before looking at me. Before I knew it, he patted on my head like he was my big brother with that stupid smile of his.

Subaru: "Jeez, if you try to show-off your ability like that with me being a dummy just to impress Emilia-tan, you would seriously get in trouble if you failed, you know?"

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