Chapter 29 - Awaken

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(Third Person Pov)

Darkness, that was what he saw until a pair of shadow hands went to touch his cheeks. Just at that moment, he opened his eyes from sheer shock.

Y/n: "Uwah!"

He yelled so suddenly when he found himself inside a carriage. It was morning, and the sun had just stood up.

Y/n: "I'm alive? What the-"

He stopped in mid-sentence when he saw a person floating right above him. The figure had pale skin, dark shade (h/c), and (e/c). He wore black clothes and looked somewhat bored.

Feeling shocked by the sudden appearance, the wariness inside him grew quickly as he took a step back while preparing to throw a spell at the figure if he would ever try something.

???: [Calm down other me. It's not like you can hurt me anyways.]

Y/n: "Who... are you? An enemy or an ally?"

???: [Hm... You could say that I'm the enemy of all except you. For you, I'm an ally, but for everyone else, I am their enemy.]

Y/n: "That sounds strange but ok... What's your name?"

O/n: [My name is O/n; I'm a spirit that has been born from you and also your other self.]

Y/n: "Huh?"

That answer threw him off as a feeling of confusion overwhelmed him instantly. The floating person, O/n, just said that he had been born from him and is also his other self? His brain is fried from this as his thought can't process it at all.

O/n: [I'm sure you have a lot of questions to ask me, so do it. I'm all ears.]

Y/n: "Ok... First off, what's your identity and tell me more about yourself."

O/n: [As I said before, my name is O/n, I'm a spirit who was born from you when you fell down on the lake. I have inherited your memory, but due to the lake, my personality and character are different than yours.]

Y/n: "You said that you mean me no harm, but what about others?"

O/n: [As long as they don't try to kill you, I won't do anything bad to them. After all, I have inherited your memory, so I know who to trust and who's not.]

Y/n: "Then... What about Subaru?"

Silence grew between the two of them. Just as he was about to ask the question again, after a while, O/n opened his mouth.

O/n: [He's a weakling. He can't harm us unless he uses others to help him. I don't see him as a threat, but if he tries to kill you for real, I will determine if he would succeed to do it or not. If he does, I will intervene and... Kill him.]

Y/n looked down and nodded. A sigh came out of him as he walked out of the carriage with O/n followed him from behind, still floating.

Y/n: "Say... Can others see you?"

O/n: [Only if you want them to. But I highly against it for now. We should have a trump card to fight against enemies, after all.]

Y/n: "Ok, can you transform?"

O/n: [You sure ask a lot of questions... No, I cannot transform. Oh, yeah, I forgot. Here.]

With a snap of fingers, an item appeared on O/n hand. It was a hair-clip that was (f/c) and was formed as an 'x'. In the middle of it, a black gem could be seen.

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