Chapter 32 - The Preparation

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(Third Person Pov)

Inside the room, Crusch, Felix, and Wilhelm was inside a room along with Subaru, Rem, and Y/n. When he came to the mansion, a ruckus occurred almost instantly if it weren't for Crusch to take care of them to be quiet about this.

Crusch: "What?"

Subaru: "Okay, I'll say it again. An alliance between the Emilia and Crusch camps, on equal terms. For this purpose, I'll provide the time and location of the White Whale's next appearance. That's the one card I can play."


Back when they were still in the old building after Rem and Y/n had helped Subaru with his mental health.

Rem: "The Witch's Cult?"

Subaru: "Yeah, they're on the move and after Emilia."

Rem: "Rosawaal-sama feared that might happen, as well."

Subaru: "I want to stop them, but I don't have the fighting strength. I have to start negotiating now to pull some together. Will you two help me?"

Letting out a smile, they both nodded.

Flashback ended

Wilhelm: "The White Whale?"

An intimidating aura surrounds Wilhelm, making Subaru, Rem and Y/n nervous by just being close to it. It took a while before he released the aura and let out a sigh before bowing his upper-torso down to them.

Wilhelm: "Please forgive my indiscretion. I suppose I still have much to learn."

Crusch: "And? It is rather sudden that you would bring up the White Whale."

Subaru: "Not at all. When we began this negotiation, I mentioned the magic stones found in Rosawaal's domain, in Elior Forest. If sharing the mining rights is insufficient, I need to offer something additional."

She moved her head and looked at Y/n who stood beside Subaru.

Y/n: 'Why are you staring at me?'

Subaru: "Crusch-san, I'm certain that my information will aid in your plan to subjugate the White Whale."

She turned her attention back to Subaru when he was finished.

Crusch: "Let me ask one thing, Natsuki Subaru. What gave you that idea? That remark was not one you might pass off as a baseless accusation."

Subaru: "For these past few days, some things have bothered me. First, the increase in traffic to and from your mansion. It's been just a bit excessive. Also, in the capital, I heard you've been purchasing weapons and armor. Plus... You appeared to be planning something big. Of course, I can't prove it. Maybe I only made the connection because I know the White Whale will soon be appearing."

Crusch: "I have another question, Natsuki Subaru. On what grounds do you know that the White Whale will appear?"

Putting his mobile phone on the table made Y/n somewhat shocked at his idea. He seemed to have changed so much in only a span of a few days!

Subaru: "This."

Crusch: "What in the world is this?"

While they were observing his phone, Subaru remembered the first time he met the whale and how he managed to see what time it was on his phone.

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