Chapter 7: Friends to the End

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I thought "It's not really Friends to the End without Friends to the End, AU or not. Plus I really love the song and would hate to cut it out." Pfft, now I'm laughing because I'm imagining Fuli, severely injured, dancing around like she's all good. She might as well go "Cause we are, ow, friends to, ow, the, ow, end!" Lol...

The Lion Guard and Makini stared silently at the blocked entrance to the tunnels. Fuli tried not to tremble as she remembered seeing the horrified look on Kion's face just before he fell in. He really thought I was dead. He really thought he was seeing my spirit coming to punish him for killing me. He thinks I'm mad at him... His ear-splitting screech rang clearly through her head and Fuli winced. I watched him fall in... and I couldn't do anything about it...

"So, what do we do now?" Makini finally dared to ask. Fuli took a deep breath and wiped her tears as she exhaled. She wore a determined look as she rose back up to her paws.

"We're going to find another way into those tunnels," she declared. "We're going to find another way in and bring Kion to the Tree of Life, just like we planned."

"But Fuli, Kion's gone," Bunga protested.

"No he's not!" Fuli said. "Kion is still in there, he's alive, I know he is. But he's running out of time, there's barely any air in those tunnels. We need to find a way to get him out as quick as possible."

"I don't understand why we even need to help him," Bunga grumbled. "You out of all of us have a good reason to not help him! He nearly killed you! I knew he was turning evil."

"Kion wasn't turning evil, he never was in the first place!" Fuli snapped. "It was his scar that caused him to do what he did."

"She's right," Beshte agreed. "Kion didn't mean to attack Fuli."

 "It was his scar that made him do it, not him," Makini added.

"What about the Tuliza?" Bunga challenged. "The Tuliza would've worked in a situation like this, it would've prevented all this from happening! But it didn't work, the Tuliza didn't calm Kion down like it used to!"

"That doesn't mean that he's turning evil," Fuli said.

"Does it?" Bunga asked sarcastically. "What if the venom had already taken over him? That's why the Tuliza didn't work anymore! 'Good Kion' was probably gone from the start. Maybe he was evil this whole time..."

"Bunga!" Fuli shouted, glaring at the honey badger. She forced her fur to lie flat. "For the love of Mufasa's soul, would you please stop saying that!?"

"What? We all saw it happen," Bunga replied. "You saw what he did to you. Somebody had to say it!"

"No! Nobody had to say it!" Fuli snarled. "Kion's not evil!" 

"You sure?" Bunga asked, still not convinced.

"I am!" Beshte said firmly. "Kion will never  turn evil!"

Fuli relaxed a little and smiled. "Beshte's right.


If there's one thing we're sure of


One thing we know is true


A friend that you can rely on


Will do the same for you


So, if our friend's feelin' troubled


Feeling lonely and blue


Even if he's angry


His heart's still pure and true


So, don't you go thinkin'
He's now a bad guy


When we all know why he's run away


And, when he's down low


With nowhere to go


Means that he needs us more today

Fuli, Beshte, Ono, Makini, & Anga

'Cause we are friends to the end
We will encourage
And defend
Yeah, we are friends to the end
Now and forever
You can always depend


On friends to the end
All these years we've been hangin'


Work and play side by side


So, when life brings you some changes


There's no reason to hide


We will stick by him


We know he can win


If we can defend him
Along the way


Though, it's been a long trail


We never will fail


So long as he knows we're here to stay!

Fuli, Beshte, Ono, Makini, & Anga

'Cause we are friends to the end
We will encourage
And defend
Yeah, we are friends to the end
Now and forever
You can always depend
On friends to the end


Friends will be there when no one else is
Friends will be there, it's so unselfish
Friends will never leave another friend helpless
One for all, and to all we tell this
Times are tough, step up and answer
He needs us plus understanding
Trust in his fellow Pride Lands companions
Let's let him know we'll never leave him hanging!

Fuli, Beshte, Ono, Makini, & Anga

'Cause we are friends to the end
We will encourage
And defend
Yeah, we are friends to the end
Now and forever
You can always depend
On friends to the end

"Oh, come on, Little B," Beshte said. "Kion's your best friend, you know deep down in your heart that he'll never turn evil, whatever his scar causes him to do."

"I hope you're right..." Bunga sighed. 

"Uh, Fuli? We're still going to the Tree of Life, right?" Ono asked nervously. "Not to make this about me... But what about me?"

"Of course, Ono," Fuli assured. "As soon as we find another way to get to Kion." She turned and nodded to Anga . "Anga, see if you can spot another way in."

"Yup," Anga agreed. She took off and ascended towards the sky. 

"Let's go," Fuli commanded, leading the Guard away from the collapsed entrance. We'll find a way, we have to. We'll make sure we free Kion from the tunnels and get him to the Tree of Life, if it's the last thing we ever do...

The Lion Guard: Friends to the End AU {HALLOWEEN SPECIAL🎃}Where stories live. Discover now