Chapter One

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    I clench my jaw. I go out in front of the bowls. I look around. I look straight at Amity. I see my mom, dad, and sister. My sister looks older. Her hair grown out long to her waist and she wears make up. I already decided to stay where I am at, Dauntless. I cut my hand and place it over the Dauntless bowl. I hear sizzling on the coals. I walk behind my friends that chose the same faction.

    It takes a while before we start to run. I am use to it so I stay ahead of everyone else. The train comes. The doors are open and people start jumping in. I jog then run and grab the handle and swig myself in. I have done this thousands of times.  I turn around to sit and I spot two boys who haven’t got on the train yet. Without looking at who they are, I stick both my hands out to help them in. They both quickly grab my arms and I lift them in.  They are heavy thats for sure. After they are in I look at them. They seem familiar. There eyes. There hair. I feel like I met them before but I can’t tell who they are. “Thank you,” one of the boys say. He has black hair and brown eyes just like the other one but the other one has darker skin. Then a spark goes of in my head. I do know them from when the factions didn’t exist. I smile. They look at me in a weird way like they are saying I am crazy. “You guys are John and Caleb,” I say while still smiling. They both slowly nod. “It is me. Lynne. Well, you guys remember me as Lydia.” I say. I put out my hand to shake theirs. It’s a Dauntless greeting. Then I put it down. “Oh yeah. You guys have a different greeting.” They stare at me with their mouths open. “But you can’t be Lydia. She transferred…” his voice travels off. I nod. “That’s me.” I smile still. “If I am correct, which correct me if I am wrong, the Amity greet with a hug?” I reach over and hug both of them but not for long. I do a little squeeze and then release them. I turn around and sit down. They are still standing up with open mouths and wide eyes. I roll my eyes. “Guys. It’s not a big deal. And you might want to sit if you don’t want to get knocked over,” I say patting at the ground. They both sit. “It kind of is a big deal. You transferred when you were young. Left all your family and friends behind. And you transferred to Dauntless? Last time I checked, you were the quiet one who read books all the time. I thought you transferred to Erudite.” John says. I glare at him. “Time has gone by. I am older and stronger than you would think. I was going to transfer to Erudite. But what stopped me is this question. Would I really want to grow up to be a jerk that knows everything?” I shake my head. “Not a chance.” I say. “Yeah but your...fragile,” Caleb says. I punch them in the arm. “Last time I checked, I could snap you in half if I wanted to. I grew up, after choosing Dauntless, training for the weeks that are awaiting us.” I say while leaning my head back against the wall.

I look outside and clap my hands together. “Well it looks like our stop.” I say while smiling. “Is the train going to slow down?” Caleb asks. I roll my eyes. “If you are going to be Dauntless, you should know the answer.” I smile and leave their side. I go up toward the open door. I breathe in and out. I jump on the heel of my shoes once. I throw my body out of the door. I feel weightless like always after I jump out of the train. I land on my feet then walk a little to get my balance. I turn around to find Caleb on his side groaning. I put out my hand. “First tip…” I smile. “Land on your feet.” I say. He grabs my hand and I pull him up. I look around for John. I hear a slide and a small groan. “Can I get some help here?” I hear it from the side of the building. I walk to the edge and look down. I see John hanging on the edge with his feet dangling from the air. I pull him up with Caleb helping me. Once John is back on the building, he falls to the ground. “ many times have you done that?” He asks through breathes. I shrug. “About how many times you get out and in of school each year.” I say then smile again.

I turn around and see him. My boyfriend Erin on the edge of the building. He told me there is a net at the bottom of the hole so I am not that worried. “My name is Erin. I will be your instructor for the next couple weeks. We will be letting the transfers jump of this building into a hole at the bottom of this building. That will lead you to the Dauntless headquarters.” I frown. That means I will have to wait until I get to jump off the building. I turn toward Caleb and John. Their faces are pale and they take deep breathes. I smile a little. I elbow John in the stomach. “You’re not scared of jumping off a building into a hole about 7 stories down landing on who knows what, are you?” I ask while laughing. Caleb frowns. Caleb tugs John and they walk toward the edge. Erin makes way for them. Caleb jumps first and John jumps second.

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