Chapter Four

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    John, Caleb, and I go upstairs. Trance and Dare stay at the bottom of the stairs and Kailey and Karley stay at the top. We go into the room where I was at, waking up from what I thought was a nightmare, but was just realality. I sit on the bed. It’s blankets are soft and made out of wool. I move my fingers in it to calm myself. It doesn’t really help. John sits in the chair which it now on the other side of the room. Caleb leans against the wall with his arms crossed. He keeps his eyes on John but looks at me every other time. John sighs when he catches his breath.

“Just tell me what you need to say so we can get this over with.” I say. My voice soundes calm but my body is tense. It is like a spring pressed down by two fingers and is ready to jump up at any moment. “The Erudite are having huge plans. Ones that...lets just say, it has to evolve with killing innocent people.” John says. I clench my jaw. “Why would that bother you?” I ask him. “You almost killed me when I did nothing wrong. I was an innocent person yet you hurt me. Plus, I was your friend. Your friend! I woke up hanging over the chasm with just a skinny rope! You were at the top with a knife cutting it! You almost killed me, and for what? To protect your family? I thought you knew how to do that, John! You are smarter than this!” I shake my head. My eyes burn. Anger goes through me like I am a river, being filled up with water for the first time. I try to keep my voice steady. But I can’t. I stop myself from yelling. “You were one of the people I trusted most. You knew all my secrets. Every single one. When you hurt me….” My voice is scratchy. My eyes fill up with tears. It gets harder to see. “I was hurt. Not physically but emotionally hurt. I just have one question. Why would you feel guilty for hurting me when I know, I know, you wanted to. I also want to know the reason why you would want to hurt me in the first place.” I look at the floor. I take a deep breath. I wipe my eyes and my cheeks and look at John. He is looking at Caleb at the corner of his eyes. “The reason is…” He tries again. “The reason is…is because I liked you. Okay? When you were dating Erin and I knew that Caleb liked you from the start. I had to do something. Something. My anger and jealousy took over and I couldn’t tame it. It forced me to do something that I thought I would never, couldn’t even, do.” He says not looking at Caleb anymore, but looking at me. I am guessing he wants to see my expression. I look at Caleb. His mouth is open. His arms are tight and you could see every muscle on his arms. His hands are clenched into a fist. His eyes roam with anger. I close my eyes. I knew it from the start. The way he looked at me, the way he treated me. I try to relax but my hands are grabbing the wool blanket. “Just tell me what Erudite has planned.” I say in a calm voice. He looks at the ground and nods. “Erudite are planning on bombing each faction. Going to Amity first.” He says. “If they are going to Amity…” I say. “Then they are not keeping your 'promise' about not hurting your family if you killed me.” I say. To me it felt like I was saying the fact, but to him it would feel like I just punched him in the gut-really hard. “I told you. I am sorry and I know. That is why I came here to warn you guys.” He says. He looks up. “They are planning on attacking our families first. But…” He pauses but then continue. “But they are attacking your's first Lynne. They know you never really spent time with them but they know you love them just as much.” He says. I freeze. I stare at the floor. I open my mouth like I want to say something, but there is nothing to say. “Are you okay?” Caleb asks me. What will I do? I do the first thing that comes to my mind. I get up and barge through the door. I run down the stairs. I run through the crowd and reach for the handle. Someone grabs my wrist. I turn around to find Kailey. “Are you okay?” She ask me. I pull my wrist free and open the door. Cool air goes through my lungs. I run down the street. My eyes fill up with tears. My chest hurts like crazy but I ignore it. I run into the woods. What will I do?

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