Mick Schumacher (1)

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a person occupying the same flat or house as another.

Y/N - your name

Mick isn't an F1 driver but I love him so much. Sorry not sorry xx

I walk into my shared apartment, with whom I share it with the well known F2 driver, Mick Schumacher. I close the door behind me with a huff as classes were dragging the whole day. I go to take off my shoes yet notice how there were unfamiliar shoes laying on the shoe rack. I frown my brows until I hear giggling from the TV room. I sigh, knowing Mick must have a girl over.

I take my shoes off and walk into the TV room to see Mick cuddled up with a stunning girl with long blonde hair and slender figure. I count help but feel my blood boil in jealously as I watched how Mick's arms wrapped around her shoulder protectively and how he drew shapes on her shoulder. I'm forced out of my thoughts by Mick's voice, "Y/N! How was university?" He questions as he puts the volume down on the TV.

I shrug, "It was really tiring." I say as he stands up with the girl following him. "This is Paisley." Mick says as he introduces the blonde girl to me. I smile and accept her hug, "Nice to meet you Paisley. I'm Y/N." I say as I pull away and force a smile on my lips. "It's a pleasure to meet you! Mick never shuts up about you." She giggles as she wraps her arm around Mick's torso. I smile and nod, "Well, I best go and study. Enjoy your movie." I say as I wave them goodbye.

"Oh trust me, we will." Mick says, causing Paisley to giggle. I mentally gag as I walk to my room. I close the door and let out a defeated sigh. I sit down on my bed as I dial my best friend, Jenna's, number. It rings twice until I hear her voice on the other side of the phone. "Hey bestie. Is everything alright?" She asks, concern laced in her voice. "No. Not exactly." I say as I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling.

"What happened?" "Mick brought a girl over." I say as I hear her sigh on the other line, "I'm sorry Y/N but in the end, if you just told him how you feel, you wouldn't be in this situation." She says. "I know but what happens if he gets uncomfortable when I'm around cause he only sees me as a friend? I can't afford my own flat." I say as I hear her clear her throat, "Stay with me." "But where you live is really expensive." "So? I'll pay more. Just for Christ sakes, admit your goddamn feelings." She sternly says to me as I sigh and nod, "Fine."

"Good. Remember the assignment due tomorrow." She reminds me which I thank her for. "Love you bestie." I say as I stand up and walk over to my desk. "Love you too, Y/N. Don't you dare chicken out!" She shouts at me as I chuckle, "If I do, I have to buy you lunch for a week." "Deal!" She shouts causing me to laugh. We say our final goodbyes and I end the call and go straight to doing my assignment.

Paisley's POV

I pull away from Mick with a smile, "I'm just gonna go use the restroom." I say and stand up. He nods and points towards the hallway, "Second door on your left." He says which I nod too. I walk to the bathroom and do my business. As I exit the bathroom, I hear Y/N on a phone call. I'm not a nosy person but what she says at that moment catches my attention, "Mick brought a girl over." Y/N says causing me to frown, wondering if maybe she was complaining about me.

Y/N continues, "I know but what happens if he gets uncomfortable when I'm around cause he only sees me as a friend? I can't afford my own flat." She finishes as I connect the dots and realize she has feelings for Mick. Normally, I wouldn't take much notice but I knew for a fact Y/N and Mick are meant to be together. I saw the way Mick looked at Y/N when she arrived home, eyes full of love, pupils dilating. I refused to stand between these two.

I walk back to the TV room and smile at Mick, "I'm gonna head home." I say which he frowns too. "What, why? You just got here." He says as he stands up and goes to wrap his arms around my waist. I pull away as shake my head, "Mick, you're in love with her. I'm not gonna stand between you two and plus, she likes you too. I heard her over the phone." I say, causing him to turn a shade of red.

"I- I..." he tries to speak but I shake my head, "There's no need to be sorry. I refuse to stand between two soul mates. Have a lovely evening Mick and speak to Y/N." I finally say as I give him a friendly hug and walk out of the door with a smile on my face knowing I have made the right decision.


After what felt like days, I stepped out of my room, starvation forcing me to come out. I didn't want to as I didn't want to see Paisley and Mick cuddled up with each other but instead, Mick was sat alone on the couch. "Where is Paisley?" I question as I walk over to him and sit down next to him. "She left." He says and faces me, his blue eyes already making me weak.

"Oh. How come?" I ask as he chuckles. "Funny story actually. Listen, Y/N, we need to talk." He says causing my heart beat to quicken. "W-what's up?" My trembling voice betrays me as I feel my cheeks heat up. "The reason why Paisley left was that she overheard you talking to someone over the phone." He says. I mentally stab myself as I already know where this was heading, "Is it true? Do you like me?" He asks.

I'm silent as I try and find an excuse until I see Jenna and how she will never let me down for not making my move while I buy her lunch, "Yes, I do Mick. I have for awhile. I never said anything as I didn't wanna ruin anything but I guess I've said what I needed to say." I finish as I look down, not wanting to see the disgust form on Mick's face but instead, my head is gently lifted up by Mick who has a small smile playing on his lips.

"Well, Y/N, I'm quite glad you feel that way about me as I definitely feel that way about you." He says, casing my eyes to go wide. "This isn't a joke right?" I question which makes Mick chuckle softly, "No. Not at all." He says and starts leaning forwards, his eyes slowly closing. I follow and lean forward too until our lips meet causing my heart to flitter and skip a few beats.

The kiss is soft and sensual. His hands caress my cheeks as mine rest comfortable on his chest, holding onto the fabric of his shirt being able to deepen the kiss when I wanted too. I pull away, my lungs begging for oxygen as I stare at a smiling Mick. "Ive been waiting for that for 4 months, Y/N." he says jokingly as I smile and giggle at his statement. "Me too, to be fair." I say as he chuckles.

I'm about to say something until I feel my stomach grumble causing us to laugh. "Wanna eat something?" He asks as I nod with a smile on my lips, "Tacos?" I question as he smiles at me, "Anything for you, Y/N."


Mick is such a snack. German guys hit different as it is but Mick is another form of God. If you would like some more F2 or even F3 drivers, let me know as I wouldn't mind writing about them. Stay safe lovies!xx

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