Part 2

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It was 8:30 when I woke up. I woke up to me and Lily drenched in freezing cold water while the covers were off of us and the air conditioner was at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. I looked up to see Moony, Prongs, and Padfoot laughing at us. I fired a wandless Rictusempra. The boys before they knew what happened were on the floor in a fit of laughter. Lily high-fived me as we watched the pranksters get what they deserve. I waited about five minutes before removing the spell. I then accioed some clothes for the guys and some for Lily. We all got dressed (guys in the bathroom and girls in my room). After we all were dressed we headed downstairs for breakfast. Oh, I almost forgot about my phone! When I got downstairs I went to the fridge to grab some eggs, bacon, mushrooms, margarine(dairy allergy). From the freezer, I grabbed some hashbrowns. And from the pantry, I got some onions. I got some cutting boards out along with a few metal bowls and a non-stick sheet pan. I set the oven to the correct temperature for the hashbrowns and placed them on the tray. I turned on my phone and opened up Soundcloud and pressed play on my playlist. It started playing 'F2020' by avenue beats. I then started cutting the onions, mushrooms, and bacon. I cooked the bacon first then the onions and finally the mushrooms. I set them off to the side as I started to crack and whisk the eggs. "How many eggs do you want and how would you like them cooked?" I asked. They all looked at each other sharing a look. Lily replied with "We'll have scrambled and 3 eggs each, please." "okay, I get started." I reply back. 18 eggs in total. That's a lot of eggs. I started to get to work on whisking the eggs while the pan was heating up and the butter was melting.

" December 31st, I grabbed a beer

Threw it up, said, "2020 is my year, bitches"

(Three, two, one, Happy New Year)

And I honestly thought that that was true

Until I gave this motherfucker like a month or two

This is getting kind of ridiculous at this point

Yo, my cat died and a global pandemic took over my life

And I put out some music that nobody liked

So, I got really sad and bored at the same time

And that's why I'm like

Lowkey fuck 2020

Still sad, still ain't got no money

I ain't got a watch up on my wrist

I just got some shit I gotta fix, yeah

Lowkey fuck 2020

I don't know about everybody else

But I think that I am kinda done

Can we just get to 2021? Please

Lowkey fuck 2020

Oh, yeah

Hold up

Okay, that was a lot

The problems I got

Are honestly probably not that bad

When I compare 'em to some shit y'all had

But I'm just statin' the facts

This year is just whack

Emotionally, I am lonely and anxious and mad

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