Chapter 5

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You throw your blanket back and head to the bathroom to hop into the shower. Before you even get the shampoo into your hair, the shower curtain pulls back, and Namjoon peeks in with a mischievous grin on his face. His dimples are so cute when he does that.

"Mind if I join you," he says while wiggling his eyebrows?

You've never shared a shower before, and it's tempting, but you are a tad sore from last night.

"You're probably sore, aren't you? It's ok, we don't have to have sex. It would save us both some time, as well as hot water, though."

He shoots you a reassuring smile, all mischief gone. You can't help but smile back, so you motion for him to come on in. How can you say no to that?

He gets in, still smiling, and goes for the shampoo, putting a dab of it into his hand. He lathers it up and motions for you to turn around. You comply, and he begins to massage the shampoo into your long hair while singing horribly.

"Your hair is so beautiful, you know that, Y/N?"

You smile at him over your shoulder with a bit of playful cockiness.

"I do specialize in hair for a living, you know."

He laughs, continues singing off-key, and helps you under the spray to rinse your hair. After he repeats the process with the conditioner, you return the favor for him without the singing. He reaches for the body wash and begins to lather you from your neck down, admiring every part of you. You notice he's at full attention and reach for it, soreness forgotten.

He closes his eyes at the feel of your hand wrapped around his girth. You stroke him carefully, hoping you're doing it right, and bring yourself closer to him. He opens his eyes and looks down at you, the hunger returning into his eyes.

"I don't want to hurt you, Y/N."

"I don't care. I want you, Joonie."

You wrap your free arm around his neck, and he wraps one of your legs around him, backing you gently against the tiled wall. You line him up to your swollen entrance, and he slides right in. You both sigh with a feeling of completion. You are no longer two separate people but one loving entity.

"I swear I could live right here, inside of you, Y/N. Being with you is like coming home after a long tour."

You don't know what to say, but you feel emotions swell and tears forming in your eyes. You bite your lip to keep from expressing the connection you feel so strongly with him. It's too soon, and you couldn't handle Namjoon rejecting you now.

You both reach your climax at the same time, with him whispering something to you in Korean. You have no idea what he's just said, and you don't care. Whatever it is, it feels right. Your legs start to give out, so he holds you close to keep you from falling. You can't remove the smile from your face and never want to forget this moment.

By now, the water is cold, and you start to shiver. Still supporting you, he turns off the water, reaches out for the towel, and begins to gently dry you off. How did you get this lucky? Was it really yesterday that you were in tears because everything was so wrong?

As you're both getting dressed, you look at the time and start to panic. Oh no! Your bus is going to be here in 20 minutes, and you haven't even had your coffee, let alone put on makeup and brushed your hair.

"What's the matter? What's the rush?"

"My bus is going to be here in 20 minutes, and I can't be late again."

He gives a soft chuckle, and you look at him incredulously.

"Are you laughing at me? This is serious," you say as you grab your brush and attack your hair with it. He takes the brush from you and gently starts to run it through the length of your hair for you.

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