chapter 2

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He leaned against the girl's lips, and she politely and open-mouthed received him. He didn't know what awaited him, I thought, and I put it all the way, keeping his head down so he couldn't move. I felt like she was choking, I pushed her even deeper. Yes, I liked that they opened their eyes in horror, as if they really thought I was going to strangle them. I slowly withdrew and touched her cheek, almost caressing, gently. I watched her calm down and lick the thick saliva from her lips, which was coming from her throat.

"I'll take you by the mouth." The woman was a little shaky. - May l?

I had no emotion on my face, no smile. For a moment, he looked at me with huge eyes, then he shook his head in the affirmative.

"Good," I whispered, moving both hands over her cheeks.

I leaned the girl against the wall once more and lowered my tongue to her throat. She pressed her lips around me. Oh yeah! My hips began to thrust toward her. I felt like I couldn't breathe, after a while he started fighting. so I grabbed it tighter.

Very well! his nails got stuck in my legs, first he tried to push me away, then he tried to hurt me by scratching me. I liked it, I liked it when they fought, when they had no strength.

I closed my eyes and saw my lady, kneeling before me, her almost black gaze piercing me. He liked it when he took her like that. I squeezed my hands even tighter and froze, and the sperm spilled out of me, strangling the girl even more. I opened my eyes and saw her makeup blur. I backed away a bit to make room for her.

"Swallow," I said, pulling her into a half ponytail, I pulled her hair again.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks, but she obeyed my command. I pulled his cock out of his mouth and he fell back on his heels, sliding down the wall.

-Lick it- Thalia froze, I was being very hard on her, but right now I didn't give a damn -until she's clean.

I leaned both hands against the wall in front of me and glared at her. He got back up and took my manhood with a small hand. He began to lick the remains of semen. I smiled a little, seeing how old he was. When I thought I was done, I stepped away from her, zipping myself up.

"Thank you." I gave her a hand, and she rose next to me on her slightly trembling legs. -There is the bathroom.- I pointed the direction with my hand, maybe she knew this office and this house like the back of her hand. He nodded and headed for the door.

I organized my suit and sat at the desk, after several minutes Thalia came out ready. We did not talk about it, it was as if nothing had happened.

-There will be a dinner on the 8th with the V (ve) .- The silence was broken by Thalía.- All the members of the main family will attend.

"What do I have to do with this?" I asked, already disinterested, as fatigue was beginning to take over my body.

"You have been invited." He handed me a black envelope with a small strange symbol. I opened the envelope, they had invited me to a formal dinner, it was written with total originality.

"Well, you will be my companion," I affirmed. I saw her smile and immediately leave the office leaving me alone and calm, which did not last long since Ezequiel entered.

-If your father was there, he would have already pulled your ears.

I sighed rolling my eyes, and irritably continued with the documents.

"If my father were here, he would have congratulated me for fucking in the office." I leaned back on the couch and put my gaze on my counselor. -Get ready, soon we will visit the residences of the V (ve).

-What do you say?

- Those of the demon clan are preparing the celebration of the birthday of Samael's youngest daughter, they have invited us and apparently they want to create a new deal.- I see how Ezequiel tenses.

"I don't think this is good." I look at him thoughtfully. "We won't go, right! ... right?" He gave a big sigh.

"We'll go see what plans they have, we'll take the case in stride." I give a sarcastic smile. -If they have invited us, it is for a good business. Prepare everything for the trip. - I give him a cold look and leave the office and he leaves behind me.

-Prada people want to meet for the case we talked about before.- Ezequiel began, walking beside me.- We also have to lead with the projects established in Sweden.

I listened to him attentively, making a list in my head of the things I must do between now and tomorrow. Suddenly, even though my eyes were open, it got dark.

And then I saw her.

I blinked nervously a few times; before I had seen my lady only when I wanted to. I opened my eyes wide and she disappeared. Did my condition deteriorate and the hallucinations intensify? I have to go see that idiot to do my tests.

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