02: secret.

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The youngest of the Master's sons whirled around to face you, an expectant grin playing on his lips. "You're right on schedule."

Contrary to his enthusiastic welcome, your face twisted into a grimace. The mid afternoon sun razed your skin like a Pyro Vision all on its own. This was the usual time that the servants were allowed a siesta from the day's tasks, yet here you were—attending to the whims of the more infuriating of the Ragnvindr boys. Though, in hindsight, you could hardly call neither Diluc nor Kaeya boys anymore. The former was long hailed the youngest Cavalry Captain in the history of the Ordo, while the other had finally completed his swordsmanship training.

But...despite having lived a full seventeen years himself, Kaeya was yet to outgrow his penchant for wasting another person's time.

"So," you began, hands braced on your hips as you eyed the deviant hunched over the Waypoint, "what is this 'critically important' matter you wanted me to know so badly that you just had to drag me all the way here to tell?"

Kaeya breathed out a noise that sounded suspiciously like a laugh before rising to his feet. "You'll kill me if I say a word. It's better to show it."

Your eye twitched. "I take it you had no good reason in mind at all?"

"Well, if you count my need for companionship a 'good reason', then I suppose I have at least one," Kaeya spoke as if the time he'd spared was a gift from the Archons themselves. Suddenly, you had half the mind to grate the ginger roots he hated so much into his dinner later.

"Do you have any idea how exhausting it is to carry Master Crepus' imports from Liyue to the storeroom?" You pinched the bridge of your nose, wondering why you'd even considered meeting him in the first place. "I could be dreaming about marrying a prince right now."

Kaeya snorted. "Why settle for a boneless prince when you can have me?"

"With all due respect, Young Master," you quipped through a bubble of mirthless laughter. "I would rather be exiled to Stormterror's Lair for all eternity than be wed to you."

"Ah, why is it that all the ladies of the manor adore me so, but you just can't seem to dote on me the same way," he sighed, clutching the front of his tunic in mocked offense. "But enough of that. Care to follow me?"

"Why?" you deadpanned. "You could be leading me into the woods to do something...unsavory."

You regretted the assumption the moment it fled your lips because the amusement on Kaeya's face morphed into something more suggestive. Oh, Archons. Here goes another unwitting remark.

"Now, now. I love the thrill of excitement as much as the next guy, but I have no such intention," Kaeya insisted, offering you a hand. "Come. This won't take long. Why not spend time with your darling old Kaeya?"

The most reasonable choice was to decline. To warp back to Springvale and get a much needed power nap. But you didn't do either. Instead, you pressed your lips into a taut line, placing your hand in Kaeya's with heavy reluctance after considering that you were already here anyways. Why not just go along with whatever tomfoolery he plotted and see where it leads you?

And so you did.

For someone so crass, Kaeya was uncharacteristically gallant as he guided you to the cliffs by the outskirts of Mondstadt. He was quiet the whole time you strolled under the glare of the sun, and you would have found it odd, had you not spotted some knights from the Ordo by the city gates. The sight of them in their plated uniforms with swords strapped to their sides made your gaze linger. Fleetingly, you wondered how Diluc must be doing. It's been about two weeks since the eldest son had dropped by the manor, and while you knew he was old enough to fend for himself, you couldn't help but...worry.

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