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this is chihiro secret revealed chapterrrr

chihiro is my favorite character in the whole game so i'm excited to write this

tw: transphobia, discriminations of crossdressing, peer pressure, sayaka acting like jayla (thats for u cozzie)

Basically all from chihiros pov

Private chat with Junko 💄

October 18th 6:02

Junko 💄: fujisaki~~~~~

Chihiro: Yes Junko?

Junko 💄: I think tomorrow is the day~~~

Chihiro: Am I missing something?

Junko💄: dont play dumb.

Junko💄: it's either you tell them tomorrow or i do

Chihiro: Junko! Please don't!

Junko 💄: you need to tell them eventually

Junko💄: i bet everyone will accept you

Chihiro: You don't have proof everyone will. What if they think I'm weak and stupid?

Junko💄: stfu. they won't.

Chihiro: idk Junko...

Junko💄: I'm gonna give you until midnight tomorrow

Junko💄: I won't hesitate to tell them.

Chihiro: Okay I guess...

Junko💄: awsome! ttyl chihiro toko is yelling at me to make dinner

Chihiro: K bye Junko

chihiro POV

i put my phone down and ran a hand through my hair. panic rushed through me, paralyzing my mind and body. a wave of complete and utter doubt ran up and down my spine.

the bitter taste of iron shot through my mouth. i put my hand up to my lip. i must've bit my lip so hard it bled. i tried to steady my shaking hands with no success.

i'm not ready. those words repeated in my head like an old record player.

it was clear junko wasn't changing her mind. she was stubborn and wouldn't give up easily. there was no point in trying. actually what's the point of anything anymore?

tomorrow my whole friend group will hate me and they'll throw me away like an old dress up doll.

i yelped in frustration and threw myself on my bed, burying my head in my hands. i looked at my lower half through the dimly hit room.

my stupid skirt and girly shoes were all i could look at. i hate dressing up the way i do, it sucks. those very skirt and shoes will be the reason all my friends hate me tomorrow

but....i wonder if it'll fix things? i hate being misgendered, it's one of my biggest insecurities. maybe now people will call me a boy?

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