Friendship games part 1

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If you have read the last chapter you'll know going on,anyways lets get to this story,this will be shadow's first day at Crystal prep:

This Was shadows first day at Crystal prep shadow was on he's way to his first class (Math)When he bumped into someone.

???:Oh im sorry!*starts to walk away*


???:*turns back*Y-Yes?

Shadow:isn't classes that way?*points to a random class door*

???:not for me.


???:Well there isn't anything i haven't learned so i don't go to classes.

Shadow:Huh.Never knew,What's your name?

???:Twilight.Twilight sparkle.

Shadow:Well twilight maybe I'll see you at lunch.

Twilight:Maybe well you better get going you wouldn't wanna be late.*waves*bye*Starts to walk away*.

Shadow then headed to his first class.....

(Sorry if this is short)

End of this part,so why did i have shadow meet sci-twi in the first chapter?Well I wanted to build there relationship instead of doing 'Love at first sight' cliche,ok?Part 2 will be out later today.Until then my fellow shadtwi fans.byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋

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