Bad First Impression

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"Ya, Son Wendy! We're not going to be late on our first day of school! Palli!!!" Seulgi screamed.

"Ya, if you scream like that, that's not going to make her wake up earlier. You know Wendy." I tried to calm Seulgi who seemed to lose herself. Aigoo this girl's temper.

"Joy-ah, are you done?" Seulgi screamed while tying her shoes.

"I'm already outside you pabo!" Joy said.

I giggled a little looking how flustered Seulgi is.

"Ya, neomu mianhae! The alarm is not working! When I checked again, it had no batteries. Ahhh I forgot that I just bought it. Mianhae!" Wendy rushed out of our dorm and put on her shoes.

"It's okay. This has been 100th times. You are the very laaaaassst one who went to practice room every single day though. We're all understand." I said.

"Note the sarcasm." Seulgi joined.

"Tch." Wendy made an annoyed face.

We walked together all the way to our new school. Ah let me introduce myself. I'm Bae Irene. An SM trainee. Actually, we're all the trainees.

I got chosen to be a trainee around one month ago. The sweetest moment of my life. Before I auditioned, I vowed to succeed. And yes. I was.

My beautiful friends, Wendy, Seulgi and Joy, also got chosen one month ago. Even though we knew each other not even for a month, but the bond we created is stronger than blood. Hyperbola.

We're 17 years old and probably debuting in 4-5 years. It's a long time, right? But time flies. And I just can't wait for that moment to arrive. The moment when I can sing and dance my heart out in front of everyone.

Actually we went to the school where all the trainees from other companies go to. The high school for trainees.

"See! I was right! The bell's already ringing a long time ago! Son Wendy, you're going to get this!" Seulgi said while running towards Wendy and started to tickle her. Wendy laughed hard.

"You guys really! Come on! Let's find our class!" I said.


I think this is the class. Our new class.

I opened the door slowly and poked my head.

"Oh, you guys here! Come in!" The teacher said.

We awkwardly came in the classroom and stared at the unfamiliar faces.

"Guys, we have new students. They transfered here as this school is closer to where they're living and they are all SM trainees." The teacher explained. "Introduce yourself, girls."

"Annyeong, I'm Joy. Park Joy." Joy said while making a blurred face. Her trademark.

"Annyeong, I'm Kang Seulgi. Let's get along well." Seulgi said coolly. When I first knew Seulgi, I thought she's a cold arrogant girl. But no. She's originally cool. Her gaze is gifted.

"Annyeong, I'm Son Wendy. But you can call me Wendy." Wendy said while smiling.

Last but not least. "Annyeong. My name is Bae Irene. We four named Red Velvet. Let's have a good time together." I introduced myself.

Then suddenly the students went "wuuuuu". "You guys neomu yeppo!" "Seat with us!"

"Okay shut up! You guys can sit beside the broom-haired guy." The teacher said.

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