Thirteen|Beg For It

726 10 14

Thursday 28th September

"Hello, you're not doing anything today are you?" JJ started as I accepted his call.

"No why?" I questioned while stood in my kitchen mixing a smoothie.

"Good, you're coming to a close friend of the group's show tonight with me."

"Okay," I laughed, "well what's their name? What sort of show?"

"Sarah, and what do you mean what sort of show? Singing obviously."

"Could've been a contortionist for all I know." I was quick to answer.

"Fuck sake, anyway, can you meet us at the house for 5ish?"

After agreeing and ending the call, I glanced at the clock on my oven, it displaying - 13:30. Talk about being last minute.

I was supposed to be filming a video today, but that plan went down the drain, purely because I couldn't be bothered. So instead, I lay in bed, my smoothie and a tub of ice cream placed beside me, whilst I watched TV and aimlessly scrolled through my phone.

Whilst halfway through an episode of Friends I'd already watched probably around 73 times, and to be honest I was drifting off to sleep, my phone rang, it being a FaceTime call from JJ.

"What do you want?" I spoke through a yawn.

He giggled, "you were asleep?"

"No." I quickly dismissed, "I was just resting my eyes."

"Anyway, I'm ringing to make sure you get ready on time 'cos you're useless when it comes to that."

"It's only..." I looked at the wall opposite, "3 o'clock."
I stated surprised. How was it 3 already?

"You need time for a shower, hair, makeup, pick your outfit, Instagram photos." He listed off, knowing me too well.

"Fine fine I'll move in the next 10 minutes or so." I laughed, my bed being too comfy right now.

The next thing I knew it was nearing half past 3, a sudden burst of energy rushed through me, most likely panic of not being able to get everything done in time. I sprang out of bed, all the blood rushing to my head and my vision going black.

"Woah." I stumbled around for a split second before the darkness dissipated and I was left with the normal whiteness of the walls and physically being able to see again.

I went over to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror.

I simply laughed.

I was such a mess.

I hadn't brushed my hair today or even gotten out of my pyjamas for that matter.

I connected my phone to a speaker, going onto Spotify and looking for this Sarah girl. With just short of a minute of detective skills, I found her name to be Sarah Close. Immediately I put that into the music app and began listening through her songs. Wanted to know what was in store y'know? Could've been some little country girl with a harmonica or a major metal head.

"Then call me out." I sang along as I let the hot water run down my body, the catchy song overriding the loud sound of the shower.

I was actually really looking forward to tonight. I hadn't been out to a little event since Upload so it would be nice to get ready for something and actually leave the house which I hadn't done in almost a week.

Unimaginable|KSI (Olajide Olatunji)Where stories live. Discover now