"My whole life, I've never loved anything else."

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"My roommate is an asshole," I complain to Willow and Buffy.

"They can't be as bad as Kathy, I'm convinced she's evil," Buffy shakes her head in frustration.

"Mine has parties every night.. every night," Willow says, rubbing her eyes, she's obviously not been sleeping.

"She sneaks her boyfriend in at 12, then they do it for a hour, then he comes back at 2, and they're nailing each other the whole night, it's like their ritual! I don't know why she can't just go to his room, he doesn't even have a roommate!" I rant.

"Alright, I think we've all got pretty shit roommates, but I've gotta get to class, see you guys later?" Buffy says, walking off.

"Bye, Buff!" we call, and I continue walking with Willow.

"I've got a period free, I'm gonna go see Oz, you coming?" she asks me.

"Oh, no, that's fine, I'm gonna meet up with Xander, you go have some alone time with Oz," I wink at her, although I feel my cheeks flushing at the mention of him. Hopefully she didn't see.

We say our goodbyes and she goes to find him. I spot Xander waiting across campus and sprint over to him.

"Xander!", I beam, "you came!" I hug him tightly.

It feels like ages since I've seen him, everyone's been so busy with college, I almost miss the demon killing, at least we were all together. I try not to mention college to Xan tho, he's still bummed he isn't with us all.

"Hey Jenn! Of course I came! Nothing better to do anyway," he grumbles.

"I'm gonna try and take that as a compliment," I roll my eyes playfully at him.

We sit down next underneath a tree and the sunlight blinds me, but I don't really mind.

"So how's everyone? How's Buffy? How's Willow? How's Willow and Oz?" he immediately bombards me with questions. Kid doesn't get out much, clearly.

"Well, everything's going great, seriously, it's been good, we're good, Oz is... good, with Willow, I mean, they're having the time of their lives," I sigh faintly, "so good,"

"Jenn?" Xander looks me straight in my eyes, "can I ask you something?"

Oh God, he knows. He must know. He always knows. That's the problem with being the normal ones of the group, we always see and notice everything. I'm too scared to look back, but what else can I do?

"Yes?" I play it off innocent, but naturally, he sees right through me.

"What's going on with Oz?" he urges me to answer. Nailed it, right on the head. Just like I knew he would.

But of course, I'm too stubborn to give in to him, even if he knows my entire battle plan just by looking at my face.

"Oz? What? Nothing, what would be going on with Oz?" Honestly, I'm even worse at lying than Dawn.

"Jennifer Morgan, Willow and Buffy may be your best friends, but usually they're completely oblivious, I, however, know better," he forces me to look into his eyes, "talk to me,".

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