"I don't know about tonight, unless the extreme Jerry Garcia look turns you on."

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I'm waiting with Willow outside our psych class for Buffy. She comes out and holds up her paper.

"This is good! I mean, this is excellent! You did better than me!" Willow beams, hugging her, "this is so unfair! You made me jealous of you academically, Buffy!"

"Wow! I guess Professor Walsh isn't so ogrey after all," I grin, also hugging her.

Willow mentions meeting Oz at the cafe, but Buffy says she has T.A duties and that she'll catch up.

"Jenn? You coming?" Will asks me.

"With you and Oz? I'll pass this time, I've got some work to do with Professor Made's class, you guys have fun though!" I reply, walking towards the nearest tree.

I watch her walk towards Oz's table. Ugh, he's sitting with Veruca. What doesn't she get about 'he has a girlfriend'? I can't believe I'm saying that. Oh God, am I a Veruca? That came out wrong. Never mind.

She sits down with them, looking somewhat distressed. I know she doesn't want to seem jealous, but she has a right to be. I mean, it's obvious from the way he looks at her. Ahh, why is this frustrating me so much? Maybe it's because if he's looking at anyone but Willow, I want it to be me? I know that sounds awful. I am awful.

Oz and Veruca get up, leaving Willow sat there by herself. I spy Buffy making her way over and I decide to join them.

When I get there, Willow's moaning about a birthday cake? Maybe I misheard.

"He thinks she's sexy. He gets this blushy thing going on behind his ears. That's for me only," she stammers.

Blushy thing? Do his ears do that when he's with me? I doubt it.

"Hey Will, it doesn't mean anything," I reassure her, catching on to the sitch instantly, "so Oz checks out another girl, he loves you,"

Although it pains me to say it, Willow's feelings come before mine. How dare this Veruca bitch try and invade Oz? He belongs with Willow. He loves her. She loves him. It's always going to be like that.

"I know, I-I know, and I don't wanna be the kind of girl who freaks every time my boyfriend notices somebody else, I mean, I have wrong feelings about other guys sometimes, but I feel guilty, and I flog and punish," she moans.

"I'm sure Oz is doing the same, in a few days, you won't even remember her name," I assure her.

"You think?" she looks up with worried eyes.

"Absolutely. Oz just isn't the type to stray. Not tonight anyways. He'll be locked in a cage." Buffy says.

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