Chapter Three

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Molly's POV

"No, who the fuck am I getting married to Liz?" I snapped, roughly chucking her hand which was caressing my thigh and moving a few inches away from her.

"Babe," her voice was calm, her serene nature reminded me of why I fell inlove with her but it also intensified my anger because sometimes I felt like it was the only emotion she ever had. I wanted her to fight with me, say foul language, curse me till I cried my eyes out but this was what she always did and it made me feel like she didn't care.

"This," I motioned to her, "This, you; this is what I hate about you."

"Molly I don't know what you want me to do."

"I want you to own up, your mother is acting like it's her bloody damn wedding and you're doing nothing about it because that's what you always do Liz, you let people walk all over you. You let me walk all over you."

Her mood slightly changed when I spoke of her mother. She rolled her eyes, moved further away from me and got off the bed. I had a feeling that she was going to leave, she always did.

"So this is what it's about, my mother."

I groaned, "Are you even listening to me Liz?"

She ignored me, put on her jacket and headed to the door. I jumped out of the bed and raced to reach it before she could, "Don't you dare walk out on me, I do the walking out, not you."

"Molly I'm tired of the bicker, I'm tired of having to go back and forth about the same thing and ---"

"The reason why we're going back and forth about the same thing is because you're doing nothing to change that thing."

Again, she rolled her eyes, "I don't want to do this with you."

"Who the hell do you want to do it with?," I felt like slapping the hell out of her but she was way too strong for me to handle. My frustration, for a moment turned emotional when I realised what was going on, and how much we were doing it as of late, "Liz do you want to marry me?"

"That's a stupid question Molly."

"That stupid question needs an answer because honestly I feel like I'm in this on my own. You don't act like someone who's about to get married, you don't act like you want me anymore."

She gave me an eye that surely screamed, 'really!'. But I wasn't being delusional, things were perfect until recently and maybe it was because she was getting cold feet. Getting married was a huge step up at things and maybe she wasn't ready for that kind of commitment, maybe her mother had finally convinced her that I wasn't the right woman for her to marry.

"How am I supposed to show you that I want you Molly," she let out in a sharp sigh. She sounded disheartened, she sounded as if I was tiring her, she sounded bored; she didn't sound like she wanted to talk to me anymore.

"That's the problem, you want me to tell you. This is something you should figure out on your own Liz."

"You're being over dramatic, you're ---"

"Then fuckin' leave me alone!," I unintentionally shouted, abruptly passing past her and making my way to the bathroom. If she was going to leave then I was going to let her, her not giving me the attention I needed was extremely pissing me off.

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