Chapter Eight

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Danielle's POV

After hearing a faint "Come in" from a voice that didn't belong to Molly, I second-guessed going in. I let out a sigh, opened the door and meekly stepped inside her dressing room. The morning of the wedding wasn't as chaotic as I had anticipated it would be. I judged it was caused by the fact that almost every bridesmaid was hungover, Molly's bachelorettes party had been a massive blast.

"Liz, just go okay," I heard Molly whisper. It was only her and Liz in the room. Liz looked utterly handsome in a black tux, Molly ought to have been happy to marry such a good looking woman. I watched the two lovebirds hug before Liz pulled away, stepped back and passed me; uttering a low "hey" before walking out of the room.

I looked at Molly, "Isn't it bad luck for the both of you to see each other before the wedding?"

She gave me a look.

"I never perceived you to be one who believes in superstitions."

"That's cause you really don't know me that much," I said, walking further inside the room.

"Lock the door."


"Just do it Danielle."

I frowned in confusion. Although her tone hadn't been commanding, it sounded firm and as if she had something up her sleeve. I went back and locked the door, wondering what explanation we would give if someone found us having locked ourselves inside the room

"Are you nervous?"

"Yeah," she took in a huge breath and exhaled sharply right after, "Aren't you?"

"Not even a little."

That was a complete lie. For some odd reason I was nervous. My heart hadn't been at ease since I woke up. I had avoided Molly all morning because the thought of seeing her get married made my head buzz. I thought I didn't care but I was realising that there was more to this whole thing with her than I had let on. I obviously wasn't inlove with her, that would be absurd. But I definitely loved having her around me, spending time with her made me feel wholesome and I felt the need to be around her more often than necessary.

"I wish you were nervous," she gazed at me for a second then looked aside, "It would have made me feel better I guess."

"Molly I have to go check on the other bridesmaids they ---"

I paused as she suddenly let the towel that was covering her body fall to the ground. I took in the nude-coloured lace thong that accentuated her curves and slowly gulped, her breasts were firm and my mouth tingled a little. There's a lot of things I wanted to do with it at the moment and her breasts were part of the things I wanted to work my mouth on but something felt wrong and even though I wanted to do what she wanted us to do, another part of me was telling me to leave.

She drawled, using her fingertips to trace her body, "Does this make you nervous Danielle?"

"Molly we can't."

"I never said we should."

I couldn't find my words, I felt stuck where I was standing and before long she was infront of me; her body pressed against mine. Unconsciously, my lips met her neck and I breathed in her scent. If ever I let this chance pass me by I would surely regret it later on but then this somehow felt different. Her hands caressed my cheeks and she made me look at her. Even without saying nothing I saw how much she actually cared about me, Molly was inlove with me.

"I think I'm falling for you," I confessed in a whisper, letting my right hand glide up her thigh. Her breath hitched and I inwardly smiled, loving the fact that my touch never ceased to have an effect on her.

"It's wrong Molly. Loving you is so wrong," the words were freely escaping from my mouth as my hand rested inbetween her legs, "I'm pathetically jealous of you and Liz. I know I got a good thing going with my girlfriend and it's perfect, what I don't know is why I keep getting drawn to you and doing something so bad. What did you do to me?"

"The same thing you did to me Danielle."

Our lips met and it's like I melted into her. The kiss was tender, too gentle and too careful. My hands fell on her waist and I pulled her even closer to my body. In my head I compared; the sex always took my breath away, her personality always left me breathless, her body made me speechless, her mouth made me speak less, Molly gave me life. And then my girlfriend, I always thought she would be the only woman I would be drawn to, the sex was alright, her personality was good, her body made me lust after her, her cunning mouth did much more than just speak, she gave me what I thought I wanted but what is it that I actually wanted.

"Stop the wedding," I suddenly spoke, pulling away from Molly and looking her dead in the eye, reading her reaction.

She abruptly turned, causing me to take a few steps back, "What do you mean '...stop the wedding...'?"

"You said you love me didn't you," I stated matter of factly.

"Yeah I did but ---"

"Then stop the wedding."

"Danielle," she picked up her towel and covered herself up, "You have a girlfriend."

"I'll end things with her."

"You're joking right, Danielle, you said what we have is nothing. This is just sex, I told you how I feel about you but you turned me down. What the fuck has changed?"

I took a few more steps away from her, nervously running my hands in my hair, "Everything has changed. I didn't want to acknowledge it but it is what it is. What we're doing is deadly, it's not possible to not have feelings involved."

"So it's only right when you say it. You want to love me in your own time, when it only feels right to you."

"I didn't know how to go about it."

She lightly shook her head, dryly laughing, "I love Liz."

"And you love me too."

"Liz loves me back," her voice was now getting a little rough.

"Not the same way I do."

"You're fuckin crazy."

I bit my bottom lip, "If you love her like you say you do then why are you still fucking me. It's the morning before your wedding yet here we are. You know what that makes you, a slut. You don't have respect for yourself, for Liz for every goddamn person in this building today."

"Danielle get out."

"If Liz knew about this she would be disgusted, you will disgust her."

"Get the fuck out!"

I rolled my eyes at her, "Think about it Molly, think about it."

I don't know what had gotten into me. I didn't mean to say what I had said to her, but maybe I did. I know she had told me how she felt and I rejected her but I didn't mean to, or I did.

"Molly ---"

"I said fuckin' leave!," she whisper-yelled. I snorted, looked at her one last time. No tears in her eyes, no hatred in her stare but just confusion. I breathed in and turned to leave, we both needed some alone time.

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