Chapter Five

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Molly's POV

"The bloody hell was the drama for yesterday!," my mother-in-law snarled, heavily throwing herself ontop of her office chair. She looked at me with disgust in her eyes, if she hated me before then now she loathed me even more.

"I'm sorry mom, it was ---"

"I'm not talking to you Liz."

"I had a little too much to drink that's all," I said, scratching the back of my neck. I wasn't ashamed, well maybe I was a little embarrassed about it but I was drunk, I was jealous and I was angry at Liz.

Her mother not looking pleased at all, spoke yet again, "Do you have anything to say for yourself."

"I'm famous."


"Mom," Liz interjected, she looked at me in a dejected manner before looking back at her mother, "She's sorry, we're having a few problems and she isn't taking them lightly."

"She has to show that ---," her cellphone rang, interrupting her. After having a quiet conversation with the person on the other end of the line, she stood up, "When I come back, somebody better be ready to own up to her mistakes."

After she'd left, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. The silence between me and Liz was deafening, it surely spoke for itself. I folded my arms, remembering the words she'd said yesterday. Now that I was sober, the fact that she'd told me I disgust her hit different; but that's not the only thing that was starting to mess up with my head, Danielle telling me that I was nothing made me question if anyone ever really wanted me.

"Maybe we shouldn't get married Liz,'' I blurted. I didn't expect to get a quick reaction from her so I was surprised when she quickly got off her chair and kneeled infront of me.

"No Molly don't say that," she gently held my hand in both of hers, "I love you. Yes, I admit that I haven't been present for you these past few days but I want to do this, I want to marry you."

The sincerity in her eyes and the certainty in her voice broke my heart. We were facing more downs than ups, I don't think I doubted my love for her but I was starting to have doubts that getting married was the right thing to do. Being with Danielle made me feel like I was getting a taste of something that was missing between me and Liz, I didn't know what it was though.

"I'm scared Liz."

"Of what?," she pulled my face to hers. Her eyes stared deep in mine, I couldn't stand staring back at hers so I looked aside, causing her to ask, "You don't love me anymore?"

"I do, so much but ---," her lips shut me up. I was so surprised that I let out a small gasp which allowed her to slip her tongue inside my mouth. The kiss was urgent and demanding, it was as if she wanted to prove something. I placed my hands on her shoulders and steadied her up a bit, meeting with her tongue and taking control of the kiss. I helped her stand up but she again took control, swirled me around and placed me ontop of her mother's office desk. I pulled away from her, staring into her eyes and noticing how much clear it was that she wanted me.

"You want us to do it here?," I whispered, looking over at the door incase her mother walked back in.

"Yeah," she breathed out, "We'll be quick."

Her fingers tangled themselves in my underwear and she pulled it down in one go. I brought her face to mine and connected our lips. This time our kiss was more than passionate, I felt a spark that I hadn't felt in a long time. She played with my tongue, exploring the whole of my mouth. When her lips left mine, her hands caressed my thighs, moving slowly towards my core. I bit my lower lip, staring at her eyes as she inserted a finger inside me and thrust all the while with her eyes unmoving from mine. I moaned lightly, avoiding making noise but the more she thrust into me, the more I couldn't control the sounds coming out of my mouth. I moaned freely, and it seemed like she didn't mind because she made no attempt to hush me.

As much as I wanted to be invested in the moment, I found myself starting to feel guilty for what I was doing. In a crazy way, sleeping with Liz felt like I was cheating on Danielle but when I slept with Danielle, I didn't feel like I was doing anything wrong. Danielle fucked me, Liz made love to me and what was happening, although making me feel good to a certain extent, didn't feel right. Liz wasn't making love to me, she was trying to fuck me in a manner that only Danielle could nail. Liz wasn't the type to bang someone in her mom's office, she was the type that would sleep with you on the bed but still make you feel like you are her whole world. I loved the Liz I knew and this felt like I was being fucked by Danielle, although it wasn't half as good. I needed to stop it, but how was I going to do that with hurting Liz's feelings.

"You must be out of your damn minds!"

Liz quickly pulled apart from me and I jumped off of the table and stood on my feet; bending down to put my underwear back on. Her mom looked furious, if she were a bomb then she would explode any second. Liz and I both looked at each other, wondering how we were going to get out of this one. I wasn't her mom's favourite person, so I knew it wouldn't be that easy.

"Mom I can explain."

"Get the hell out of my office," her mother seethed, "How could you disrespect me like this, isn't it enough already."

"We didn't mean to ---"

"Shut up Molly, you have turned my daughter into...," she unpleasantly weighed Liz with her eyes, "...into this thing I can't even recognise."

"Mom we were just having sex."

"Just having sex, in my office, can't you control your bloody urges?"

"Mom ---"

"Molly, leave my office. Liz, I need to talk to you."

I looked over at Liz and felt sorry for her. Her mom was totally going to be a bitch about the whole situation and I knew she would obviously tell her, for the umpteenth time, that I'm not good enough for her. I quietly walked out of the office, if anything, I was happy that her mom walked in because that way I didn't have to stop Liz from what she was doing. The monster-in-law actually did help in a way. Now I had to think about the whole conversation me and Liz had about the marriage. Did I still want to marry her? Was I even still inlove with her? Or was I getting too attached to Danielle when she made it clear that she wasn't interested in me?

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