Chapter Four

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Bad kind of butterflies

Danielle's POV

Introducing my girlfriend to Liz and Molly might have been the worst thing ever. Well, only because Molly surely was clearly jealous and by clearly I mean, not hiding it, throwing tantrums kind of clear jealousy. I held back my amusement as she rolled her eyes after my girlfriend cracked a joke that made everyone, except Molly, laugh. She'd drank more than she could handle and she was constantly making a nuisance out of herself.

"Your sense of humour is wack," she sneered, her words coming out in a slur.

"Molly shut up," Liz spoke, sounding irritated. The tension between her and Molly had rose up a notch. She didn't seem too pleased with how she was acting and it didn't help that her mother had told her to "keep her wife on a leash" infront of everyone.

"No, you shut the fuck up Liz. I'm talking to this thing."

"Molly," I decided to try and talk to her myself because if ever she called my girlfriend a thing again, she would not only have to deal with my girlfriend but with me also, "Here," I handed her a glass of cold water, "Try to drink some water."

"She doesn't need water, what she needs is to get the fuck up and go to the damn bedroom," Liz fumed, standing up and grabbing Molly by the arm. Everyone in the roomed quietened down and all attention fell on the both of them.

"Yes, that's it Liz!," Molly yelled, hysterically laughing right after, "My baby's grown some balls people!"

"Oh fuck you Molly."

"All talk and no play Liz."

"I can't stand you, you fuckin' disgust me," Liz clicked her tongue and let go of her. She looked embarrassed as she went past everyone, going out the front door and slamming it shut.

After a long silence, Molly shouted right after her, "Coward!"

She staggered, trying to make her way away from the people. I looked at my girlfriend, using eye contact to tell her that I was going to take care of Molly. I hated the fact that she had made such a huge fool of herself by turning herself into a drunk wreck. Grabbing her arm and ignoring her nags, I led her to hers and Liz's room and into their bathroom so that she could splash some water on herself and sober up.

"Don't leave," she pulled me to her as I was about to leave. I separated us, creating distance because I wasn't in the mood for her childishness.

"What do you want?"

"Fuck me Danielle, please."

I snorted, if she were sober I might have considered it but she was an ugly mess and I wasn't interested, "You're drunk."

"That makes me hotter," she purred, her fingers playing with the hem of her skirt. I watched her clumsily attempt to seductively lift it up but she was too drunk to be steady and it turned me off even more.

"I'm not interested Molly."

"Oh really. Who are you interested in fucking, your thing?"

My eyes snapped up to hers, "Watch your mouth."

"I wanna watch yours, with your tongue making me go crazy."

Now I understood why Liz left when she threw her tantrum. I let out a heavy sigh, walked closer to her and whispered, "Molly, first of all you're not attractive at the moment. Second of all, I don't like the fact that you're jealous. Third ---"

"I'm not jealous."

"You better not be, because you're nothing to me," I clarified, making sure to emphasis 'nothing'.

"How about we see what your girlfriend thinks about you fucking someone who's nothing."

I grabbed her by the chin, squeezed it in between my two fingers and grinded my teeth in agitation.

"If you ever think of saying that to my face again, I'll fuck you up. I get that you don't care about your marriage, you don't care about Liz but I care about my girlfriend and I fuckin' love her. Know your limits."

"You're hurting me."

"What we have is just sex," I rolled my eyes, letting go of her and stepping back, "I'm not saying you give me better sex than my girlfriend does but I know I give you the best sex you've ever had. If I were you I would be grateful for that Molly."

"Are you telling me you feel nothing when we sleep together."

"I'm telling you exactly that."

"Danielle, I love Liz too and I care about her but you...," she hesitated, "...I feel something for you too, I can't explain it."

"You're an idiot Molly, you're not feeling anything, you just wish you could feel something."

"I love you."

"I don't love you," I deadpanned, finally deciding that I had spent long enough time for my girlfriend to start wondering what was going on. I looked at Molly, for a moment I felt like she looked vulnerable, like she needed someone. I wasn't going to be that someone, I wasn't going to hug her and tell her that I loved her because I didnt love her, I lusted for her, I wanted to see her naked, I was highly infatuated with her body, her sexiness and nothing more.

"Fix yourself Molly."


I turned away from her and made my way out of the bathroom. She didn't follow me, instead I heard her sniffle and let out what I assumed was a sob. For a moment, I felt like stopping and turning back to comfort her. I felt like holding her in my arms and letting her cry until she couldn't anymore. But this, to me, was a game that didn't need any emotions involved; so I walked out of her bedroom and let her break down on her own.

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