Alvaro and roshaun wanted to get snacks. We were at target getting snacks when I see this little girl trying to reach it so I go over and help her she looked around 7.
Alyssa: here you go little one
??: thank you omg your Alyssa
She starts to cry. I pull her into a hug.
Alyssa: awww don't cry what's your name
??: Emily
Alyssa: hi Emily are you a fan
Emily: yes I love your videos
Alyssa: awww how old are you Emily
Emily: I'm 7
Alyssa: ok do you want a picture
Emily: please
She takes her phone out and I take pictures. She starts to cry.
Alyssa: awww don't cry please
Emily: this is probably the only time I will see you again
Alyssa: how about this I put my number into your phone and you can talk to me when ever you want ok and I'll answer
Emily: you promise
Alyssa: I promise
She hugs me. I put my number into her phone and she hugs me one last time before running off with her candy. I see Alvaro abs roshaun smiling.
Alyssa: what do you bozos want
Alvaro: you are so much nicer than Alejandro
I roll my eyes and go to the cashier. He looked so familiar.
??: Alyssa please forgive me
I look up to see vinnie. I roll my eyes and roshaun takes the bags.
Vinnie: please Alyssa i miss you so much please at least text me
Alyssa: I'm done with you ok you broke my heart
Vinnie: and you broke mine
I felt guilty. I just nod my head. We enter the car and drive home. I grab the stuff and decided to enter Alex's room. I enter and jump on his bed.
Alejandro: what did you get
Alyssa: snacks that's it
Alvaro: no her ex vinnie was talking to her
Alyssa: omg really
I ain't never see Alejandro and mattia jump from there game so fast.
Mattia: what did he say
I explain to then what happened. Mattia had a mad look and Alex had the same look.
Alyssa: I'm not going to text him chill out
Mattia: mhm
Taylor: looks like mattia got a little jealous
Mattia: I wasn't jealous I was protecting her
Alejandro: if any of you guys date my sister you guys are dead literally
My eyes go wide. I just go on my phone. I haven't posted on my spam so I decided to post.
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Whoisalyssa: my brother Alejandro won't pay attention to me😫
I just ignore my hate. I look to see mattia smirking at me. I roll my eyes. I decided to sleep with Alejandro tonight( this is not Alabama😭). I fell asleep.