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Gregory was hiding liek da scaredy pussy he is. Gregory kept crying and sobbing liek an apple getting sliced with garlic.

"STFU U USELESS PUSSY CHILD." Buff Glamrock Fred moaned as he hit stpid child Gregy with a bat in his ankles. 'AAAAAAAaaAAaAAAaaHHhhhHHHh" super mega teeny tiny stupid brain Gregy screemed as his ankles snapped like juicy beef jerky. mmmmm"HeeHooOhAahEEe" Vanny bunnie lady sang like a pregnat whale with diabetes from the next room. Ultimate bean brain Greg moaned becase the snapping ankled smelled so gud, it smelled like greasy choccie milk.

Bug-eyed bunnie lady Vanny flew in thru the moldie wall like satan ordering a subway at DairyQueen. "HOLA NINOS!" she shreeked like a stinky turtle eaating plastic.

Gregory was so scared, he threw up the chocolat he had dipped in beans earlier. Glamrock Fred the destroyer hit sweaty bunnie lady with a celery stick and she screamed. "LETS GO U STUPIF PUSS CHILD" GF shouted like a chair gtting cremated.

But smol brain greg couldn't move becase he had broken beef ankles and his stupidty clouded his nostricles. Stupid vanny bunnie lady went towards greg child with da celry stick, ready to take the final blow. But greg just jumped out the wndow and fell onto da ground with a splat liek an egg on a moist fryng pan.

GF rolled his eys and then gouged them out becaus he didnt want to see sweaty bunnie lady ever again. Sweaty bunnie lady was so very offended. "Why dont u liek me?" she asked in a voice so high it broke the barier of sound liek a beluga whale with brian damage.

GF couldnt see anymor becaus he has no more balls for eyes but he replied. "Becase u ate mah last taki." GF said sadly, then he jumped out da window too and he made a noice juicy splat on da ground and vanny wheezed. DA END.

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