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"FAthHHAAaaA!" Ellie AFton schreeched like a minecraft ghast on steriods. 

"MmMMmmMUUUuuHhhhHH WhatZ doO yu WAtnt cHild. MMHhMMMm" Spring bonnie man with no spring bonnie sihged as if he hads a ded caterpiller in his thrOat. "I waNt tO commIt aRson." Ellie said as excitedly as a fish drwOing in acid piCkles. "OhH bUUuTtz WhYYy HEhHEUEueHEue" asked the yucky smelly dumb stupid stupidit stupidity filed brains rAt man thAt atE fliEs covereD in expirEd kEtchiP. 

"BecUAse I wAnt to SeeE pEoples Suffrer and Burn lIKe cRispy bABy cOWs. MmmMMMyUIUJhvK HhAhAhA TetEtEje" She exPlained wiTh her teeny Itty bitty Brain cElls thAt smeeLLed like SHaT coverEd pOPpciCles. You see, sHE thinKs shE haS biG brAin likE her bIg bRaIn fuRrY brO mIcheal, buT she actuALly hAs the bRain capAcitY oF a dEcayIng baT. 

Spring boNnie man was sO proud of his little girl. "oF course, HehEihDOoopPa. buT firSt let me kiLL thIs emDer dragoN here. HhAhehhUE." He beat the Entire game in 10 mIneues 69 seconds bUt he was sO stuPid and His yucky icky BrainCicle cells are so ded he didn;t even noTice. 

Somewhere in a faraway land, Dream is wanting to burn spring boi man for dat. "You Dumb duMb rAt man! You Broke tHe world RecoRd and idnt evNe say AnythiNg AAaaSSSsHHHhUUUcCCkKKKEeeEEEEEeeEEEee" Dream would shreek so hard GeorGE would Smack Him wIth hIs litTle bRitISh whiteBoard and Sapnap Would ThroeW a craftIng tAble At his HEad. get on the crafting table hEhheUe

But AnyWays, NoW ElIE aftOn and Willy Wonka Afton are on There way to Commit aRson as fathEr dauter bondIng tIme. 

"REadYyz HEuehDooDbABo" Spring Boi said as he liT a presChool for little KiddY creaturEs on Dfire. "YoU wannA see PeoLe SuffRer?" Asked springG Bou. "YUUsSu, like CrIspy babEy cOws." She YeLPed in excItenemt. 

"hoW boUt sum First hAnd exPeriEnce?" He saiD. "Huh- NOoOO" She ScreMEed so LouDly tHe bUrning Kids cAme bAck to Life buT den Obiesouly thEy dyed AgaiN. WillY wOnka spRing boyo ThreW ElIzAbeth afTon IntO da fiReEre anD as She scREamed in AgOny Like a wiLD TamboriNe. 

"ArsoN, POG!" Spring Boyon sAid and TOOk a bite oF his empAnada. DA END. 

If u understood all the YouTuber references ily

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