|¦ Chapter 6 ¦|

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In between...

It was too late at night when Shivaay stopped his car in front of Oberoi mansion.

He glanced at his watch and found that it was past midnight.

Actually he made sure that he came back this late just to not meet anyone. He has no mood for anything especially a conversation with his family members. He ignored all of their calls.

His phone kept shaking in his pocket until it faced his anger as always by getting thrown on the wall mercilessly.

He kept himself locked up in his cabin, attending only the urgent calls or meetings related to the work that too for a short time.

He spent hours negotiating with his heart to keep quiet and let him marry this girl in peace just for his family, then he took more hours to pacify his broken heart because he can never give it that love again.

How can he when he knows very well that he will never be able to love someone else.

He lived everything with Annika and get full of her love and memories giving her his heart, mind, sharing with her his body and life but specially opening up his feeling and emotions to her, something he didn't do with anyone not even his brothers.

He gave her everything he has that he found himself empty when she left him.

So forget about love, he has nothing to give this Kapoor except his name and money.

He chuckled in sarcasm at that, because all the girls were running after him only for his name and money but the only girl he loved and wanted to marry refused him and rejected marrying him for the same.

Most of their fights were related to this topic, to her rejection to get married.

He still remember that fight. It was the most serious fight they ever had. The first and the last.

He was so much under his family pressure to get hitched and she was so adamant on her decision that they ended up hurting each other so badly.


"How many times I have to tell you that I am not ready to marry anyone for now? So why are you repeating the same thing? " yelled Annika in frustration from saying the same again and again.

"I can ask you the same Annika. Why are repeating the same every time I ask you to marry me? Why you are not ready yet? We are in this relationship for a year now, isn't enough for you to take a decision about us?" yelled Shivaay back in more frustration, he was in the verge of tearing his hair.

"I told you that I am focusing on my career now, and I don't want any distraction. I want to reach my goals and dreams before getting hitched with anyone."

"Distraction? Our marriage is a distraction for you? Really?" said Shivaay with hurt in his tone.

He was so eager to marry her and make her his wife and she was saying that it was just a distraction for her. Wow, what an insult to his ego and his love for her.

Sensing the hurt on his voice and getting aware of the damage she caused by what she said, Annika grabbed his face softly and kissed him with passion.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean it in that way Shivaay. You know that I will love to be your life partner forever but not now." she said breathless from the kiss.

She glanced at him and found him still closing his eyes, still in daze from her reply and her sadden kiss as well.

She gave him some more soothing pecks on his rough lips and putted her forehead against his.

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