|¦ Chapter 10 ¦|

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Double Pain

As much as Shivaay loved Annika's smile in the past, as much it annoyed him now. Especially when she did what he thought she would not and never dared to do; entering his house. 

He hates when things go against his willingness and his expectations. And her, standing before him in his own house after all these years and especially after what she did, was one of these things. 

He kept looking at her with fire flying from his eyes. His orbs became blue like the sea, indicating his intense anger. 

Annika knows him too well to know that he was trying to control himself while fisting his palms hard. She was aware that he was on the verge of exploding at any moment. 

Her state wasn't different actually, even she was trying to control herself and not showing her fear from his anger or her guilt and shame from the family. She was unable to look directly into their eyes but kept smiling like nothing happened, like if all the last 5 years didn't exist ever. 

How ironic the situation is! No one can say that she is the same girl who doesn't fear anyone and doesn't bend her head in front of anyone and keeps ogling at the eyes in challenge and pride. 

'' What a shameful girl you are! With which face you came to Oberoi mansion? How could you enter that door after all you did? '' shouted Pinky, who come just now listening to the noise, and turned to Shivaay saying in rage :

'' I told you that she has no shame or dignity to not come here. See she is here, AGAIN. '' 

'' I have no dignity or shame, really? Are you sure Mrs Oberoi? Because you are talking like I come here by myself and my will, but I remind you that you are the one who came to my company to plan the wedding and your son is the one who wanted me specifically to do this work. '' Answered Annika in a confident tone looking directly into Pinky's eyes in challenge to say otherwise. 

If Annika has to feel guilty and sorry towards someone about what she did they will be the Oberoi siblings and Dadi, just them. She owes nothing to the elders, especially Pinky, no way. She doesn't deserve anything from Annika, not even sympathy. Annika still feels respect for Jhanvi aunty and Shakti uncle despite what they did, she even doubts that they were forced to do it and stay silent because of their partners. But she couldn't feel the same for Pinky and Tej knowing their greedy personalities and their hunger for the money and wealth. 

So this time Annika will not allow her to disrespect her and insult her in front of everyone without saying anything. Anyway, she has nothing to lose this time, she is already lonely with no-one beside her to defend her and she has no power to listen to the nonsense of that woman. 

'' Wow! You even have the audacity to answer! I have nothing to say to you anymore! It will be useless for low people like you. '' 

'' It's better. Save your energy and words to yourself maybe you will need them someday to defend yourself and justify your deeds '' 

By now all the Oberoi family arrived there and were shocked listening to the way Annika was answering Pinky with. She changed, it seems, a lot. Only if they have an idea. 

'' It's enough! You have no right to talk to my mother like that, Mrs Khurana. You come to do your job then do it and leave. I don't want any mess in my family because of you again. '' Said Shivaay in anger, still fighting to control himself. 

'' But Shivaay, she… '' 

'' Stay in your limits Mrs Khurana. It's Mr Oberoi to you. You are a stranger and you will call me like them. '' shouted Shivaay in louder voice making all the audience stepping a step back and he lifted his finger in front of Annika and said in a dangerous tone scaring her more and more :

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