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After the meal,

Tania was only looking at Isolde.

Then Marise and Pharotek took leave accompanied by Andromedius. They climbed into the small helicopter ship and quickly arrived in sight of the dwarf castle. Also, they saw the castle of the dragons but this time, by prudence, they arrived with the dwarf castle between them, from behind.

They landed and the guards immediately recognized Andromedius and warned the dwarf king and Torquemada, Andromedius' colleague.

Of course, their arrival was foreseen thanks to the communications re-established by the manacom, a resonant communication crystal, whatever the distance (well, up to a certain limit, that of mana consumption).

Baltes waited for them all smiles "Andromedus... my dear friend...How are you? "

"Well, thank you, your majesty."

"What about your assistant Isolde, isn't she with you?"

"She stayed with Tania, our host and general of the Harkonnens..."

Baltes... I see....

And, Hello Sir...?"

"Pharotek, Your Majesty... I am Mentat Harkonnen... I accompany Sire Andromedus to meet your people and learn about your culture and customs..."

"Ah, I see, you are a wise man... Welcome to dwarf territory..."

The mentat bent down, following the protocol.

After presentation of the events, the end of the demon lord and the circumstances of his capture, but also, his misfortune, the necklace of submission and his innocence that made him be spared but taken prisoner in order to redeem himself.

Baltes was very interested in this story and was beginning to understand.

But he was not talking about the hydra.

Pharotek spoke to him about the one hundred thousand year history of the Harkonnens and the civilizations and colonies of their empire and their space exploration.

It was fascinating and He supported his stories with videos and holographic recordings.

The wise men of the king were also fascinated by so many technologies and also by their lost knowledge.

Pharotek reassured them by saying to them that they were the descendants of a people with very advanced knowledge too, and that he would help them to recover their lost knowledge.

The wise men were already jumping on their seats to show their collection of strange objects requiring electricity to activate, lost chemistry, etc...

But they were just as fascinated to see a wisely seated dragon who listened to everything Pharotek said.

She was waiting for someone to speak to her to make her request once the wise men had calmed down. Even Andromedus was excited that he forgot the reason for his visit.

A few hours after the excitement subsided, Andromedus remembered, when he saw Marise...

"Sire, you probably know Marise, she came here to investigate the hydra of the castle opposite. We would like to be able to speak to her..."

Baltic rubbed his beard and said: "You can try yourself but I have no relation with the dragon, except that he asked to stay here without causing any problems in exchange for some excavation work. The only thing I know is that the creature is infinitely sad and is mourning his children. She does not have a mean background and shared our feast to forget her grief for a few moments, like many of us who lost loved ones in this war.

I am a dragon! Help me! (TOME 4 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now