Chapter Eight

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The most difficult part of the hunt was choosing his victims. As despicable as it was, there were hundreds of criminals who escaped punishments for their crimes every day. His wife's murderers were among that group and it was an injustice that burned in Cian's blood with every breath he took. When he re-awakened in the hospital after finding her body, he'd been enraged to find out that the two fuckers that stole his beautiful wife from him had gotten away. Despite the investigation and the large reward he'd offered, the police never apprehended them. They got away with their crime just as so many others did. It was his mission to one day track them down and get them both on his table; he'd relish in the kill. Sending them to the hell they deserved wouldn't bring Hannah back, but it would damn well be a good start. Flipping open his notebook, he reviewed the information on their next victim.

Lana Fraser, age 27

906 Carver, Queens

Former nurse at Lincoln Hospital

Accused of overdosing and poisoning patients. Arrested on charges of assault to a body on

deceased patients. Suspected in the suspicious deaths of over fifty patients. Released on

insufficient amount of evidence after her arrest

He remembered Lana, a snotty, dark-haired cunt that rubbed almost everyone in the hospital the wrong way. She looked down her nose at patients, residents, even attendings'. Her smartass attitude was not appreciated and definitely earned her more than one enemy. She upset families almost every shift, the complaints about her a mile long. He recalled one family in particular that just wanted their mother to have a sip of water after having a test and drinking that horrible tasting dye. She refused to call the doctor and have the patient taken off the nothing by mouth order, ignoring the family when they explained they had been told water would be fine for her to have after the test. The family was in a state of shock after just learning their mother had stage four cancer, when they were only in hospital for routine tests. The complete lack of compassion Lana showed was enough to have the youngest daughter, a little firecracker, take the issue all the way to the nurse manager on the floor. It was her complaints about Lana's behavior and treatment of other patients that finally had the hospital looking at her more closely and discovering her heinous crimes.

She'd been immediately fired and the police were informed, but without hard evidence, it was nearly impossible to get the D.A.'s office to file charges. In the end, Lana was set free, but the hospital maintained its position on firing her. A fact that she was now suing them over on the grounds of wrongful dismissal.

Tonight, she would finally answer for her actions, he would show her no mercy. She'd know what it was like to be on the receiving end of no compassion. Everything was set and ready to go. He'd created an online dating profile after stalking her Facebook page and discovering that she used one of those sites to connect with men. It was sickeningly easy the way he'd been able to make a fake profile and used it to contact her. If he ever had a daughter, he'd make damn sure—

The deep stabbing pain at his innocent thought sliced through him. Having a daughter wasn't something he had to worry about, not since...not since Hannah had been murdered. Her face swam before his eyes and the agony at recalling her smile and the way she used to laugh just about broke him.

Furious with himself for letting her memory slip through the walls he had up, he slammed his notebook closed and headed to his bathroom to shower. He needed to pick up his package and get to the hospital. Since there was a change of rotation in shifts, they'd be starting their day with Lana's disposal, instead of ending it like usual. It would be the first time they'd attempted their work on the new schedule and everything had to be perfect to avoid any problems. He was keyed up, antsy and ready to get started, the need to kill was slowly eating him alive from the inside out.

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