Chapter Thirteen

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The news of Bianca's death rocked the hospital. Athena was playing cards with Sebastian early one morning before finishing a night shift rotation when Sabine came to the door, her complexion gray and her eyes glazed over. Instantly concerned, she ruffled Sebastian's hair, which was getting thinner by the day, and told him she'd be back to see him the following afternoon. He nodded and gave her a brave smile, trying not to show his disappointment. Her heart cracking a little, she pulled a baseball card from her pocket and slid it across the bedside table for him.

"Ellsbury!" he cried out. "My favorite player, thank you, Athena!" This time his smile lit up his whole face and warmed Athena's heart. She really did love that little boy.

Following Sabine out into the hall, she reached out and rubbed her arm, concerned about what was going on that had her so distraught.

"What is it? What happened, Sab?"

"Bianca's dead." she said it simply, no leading up to it, just a one-two punch that hit Athena right in the gut.

"Wh—what? Dead? What do you mean she's dead? I just saw her yesterday." Tears sprang to her eyes and spilled over, as she fought to understand what Sabine was telling her.

"They found her...on the train tracks."

Horror filled her and she covered her mouth to keep from being sick. "Oh, God no. Sabine, tell me that's not true."

"I wish I could, Thene. I don't know all the details, but the rumors say she was stuck. The operator saw her trying to get free to run, but..."

"Stop. I can't. Oh, Jesus fuck, no." Images of Bianca trying to get herself to safety flashed across her face and had her heart dropping down to her stomach. The sheer torture she must have felt, the panic to try and get free before the train...

"Athena." She turned at the sound of someone calling her name and spotted Seth standing a few feet away. She immediately rushed over to him, hoping for a miracle.

"Tell me it's not true, Seth, please. It can't be true."

"I wish I could do that, but I can't. We confirmed that the remains are hers. I'm so sorry, I know she was your friend." He cupped her face in his hand and rubbed his thumb lightly across her cheek, catching one of her tears.

"What happens now?" she asked.

"Well, I needed to get a few statements, but it's an open and shut case as far as we're concerned. The operator states she was stuck on the tracks, trying to get away. We confirmed his story with the evidence that was left behind." He didn't go into it any further, wanting to spare her the graphic details. "This is just a senseless tragedy. I wish I had more to tell you, to offer you some comfort, but all I can say is that you should know that she didn't suffer. It would have been very quick." Athena nodded, grateful for what little information he gave her. It was still a shock, but it helped some knowing that she didn't suffer.

"Listen, I've got to get going. There's been another abduction and Babbs and I split up to cover both cases."

"Another abduction? I thought the killers had split," Sabine said.

"We thought so as well, but this is the same MO as the previous abductions. We're concerned after the...outcome of the last kidnappings." Seth sighed and rubbed a hand down his face. For the first time, Athena noticed how haggard he looked and her heart went out to him. Working as a detective in New York City couldn't have been an easy job, not with the rising crime rate.

"Let me know if you need anything," she told him sincerely. "And thank you, for the information about Bianca."

He squeezed her hand and promised to get in touch later that week before leaving. She linked arms with Sabine and they headed to the locker room, intent on finding Webster and the others. When they entered, Clarence, Dick and Oscar were present; Webster seated with them on one of the wooden benches. Dick's eyes were bruised and his nose had a thin strip of white tape across it from where he'd been hit by Oscar.

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