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Thanks for the idea @Putri_balqia10 Please enjoy (Idea was Hongjoong was kidnapped and ATEEZ took day and hours to find him)

Hongjoong was gonna go hang out around the park, His members didn't want him to since last time.But he reassured them that he would be OK and would defend himself this time.

Well he was hoping he could defend himself, But I bet he could! He was strong! Waving goodbye he walked out the door his pocket knife in hand of course.

The members felt kinda safe that he had a pocket knife with him, He didn't want one but he wanted to make his members happy. He walked to the park that was a little far from the dorm.

Once he got their he took his pocket knife out and looked at it,  Setting it down on the table bench thing and looked at it, "How can this help? I don't even know how to use it..."

He said sighing putting the knife back where he stored it away from his sight, He starting walking around the park. Slowly getting dark as he walked. He smiled as the breeze was soft.

He heard rustling in a bush behid him, He turned his head quickly scared at the sudden sound, "It might be a dog..." He mummbled to himself walking to the bush.

Once he got infront somone jumped out, and started to attack Hongjoong with anything. Hongjoong paniced fumbled for his pocket knife backing up holding it.

The strange persone who came out of the bush kicked it in the air catching it in their hands, "Do you even know how to fight?" A low husky vocie asked, "B-boss" He heard somone say.

The persone infront of Hongjoong bowed their head, Hongjoong turned around seeing a tall male in a suit... "The fuck are you?!" Hongjoong asked a little angry.

Angry that he couldn't be left alone when he went to the park, "No need to know that" Hongjoong hissed at the 'boss' "I do need to know!" "Shut the fuck up before I beat ya ass!" The 'boss' snapped at Hongjoong.

Hongjoong's eyes widened as the persone that attacked him held him tight by the arm, "Where the fuck do you think your going?" The attacker asked looking at Hongjoong in the eye.

"Search this boy to make sure he doesn't have any weponse" Hongjoong thought 'THE FUCK IS THIS?! ARE THEY SOME SORT OF MAFIA SHIT OR SOMTHING, NO NEED TO SEARCH ME!'

Hongjoong hissed at the attacker as he started to search his body(Don't-), Hongjoong felt uncomefortable when the attacker was serching him, So he hit the attacker on the head.

He didn't mean to it was a instinct, The attacker looked pisssssed offf, Hongjoong scared pushed the attacker off and started to run. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He heard both of the people behined him shout.

"Damn is this some type of mafia shit?" "Yes it is..." He heard another deep vocie, "Fuccckkk" Hongjoong groaned backing up and running again. Thats when he bumped into the attacker.

He gripped his arm tight, "Why do you want me?" Hongjoong asked not that scared anymore, "I am useless for whatever you want me for!" Hongjoong hissed.

The 3 of them didn't responde, "You know, the three of you didn't need to help to get me... One of you could've got me but no you gotta go the extra mile. Plus why do you want me?".

Hongjoong kept blabbing trying to distract them so he can run again, But nothing worked...
ATEEZ started to get worried that their leader hasn't come back, Its been hours. Not to be dramatic but I mean hoursssss. He hasn't come home in a good 4 hours. (Like half my day in school 8 hours of boreing school)

Worried all the members got up and went to the park, Ignoring the car that just drove off that was by the park. They walked by the bench they know Hongjoong likes to sit at.

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