Why do I have to be a third year?

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"YN!" your homestay sister called, waking you up from your dream. Okay it was more like a nightmare. Just a repeated cycle of everything that could go wrong at your first day of highschool in Japan. 

"Breakfast is ready," she called, "I made waffles." 

"I'm coming Hana," you say rolling out of bed and slowly moving into the kitchen. 

Hana's long black hair is pulled into a pony and she is wearing her school uniform. "Remember YN, we may be in the same year, but we don't go to the same school so I can't look out for you."

"I know," you sigh dreading the day ahead. You weren't the best at making friends like Hana, and now your half way across the world from your old ones. On top of that you don't even get to go to school with Hana. She gets to go to Aobajousai and you're going to Karasuno.

"You're gonna do great at Karasuno," Hana tries to reassure you, "and if anyone so much as thinks of hurting you I won't be afraid to show them who's boss."

"Thanks Hana," she always manages to make you smile. "I'm just super nervous about being a third year."

"Yeah, YN that's not fair you're two years younger than I am," she laughs, "they just couldn't let you be a first year because of you entrance exam huh."

"I wish I was," you didn't want to be with people Hana's age if she wasn't going to be there with you, but there was no changing their minds. You didn't know what your former school had told them to allow you to skip a year, let alone the one you already skipped. You didn't think schools in Japan even worked like that.

"Well, it's getting late I gotta run," Hana grabbed her shoes and ran out the door. You walk over to the couch, pick up her bag, and stand by the door.

3.......2........1...Hana runs back in, "I forgot my......Thanks YN!" You hand her the bag, "I'm off to a great start today," she laughs and runs out the door. You hope that's going to be the worst thing that happens today.

After finishing you waffles, a food you told Hana about that she wouldn't stop making now, you run back to your room and change into your uniform. You brush out your h/c hair and decide to just leave it down today. You head into the bathroom to brush your teeth, and notice Hana forgot to do that too. Good job Hana. You head to the door grab your bag and shoes and walk out. 

You walk out of the building and into the sidewalk. You still have plenty of time and decide to walk to school to try and avoid people. At least you live close enough to the school for that. 

When you finally make it to the school, you talk to an adult there who then directs you to the assembly. He seemed nice. He was pretty short but you still thought he was an adult. He had messy black hair and glasses. He told you that you could come see him if you got lost. If he wasn't in his classroom you could check the gym, since he was a teacher advisor for the volleyball club.

You headed to the assembly. When you walked in you saw a lot of people. Everywhere. It was overwhelming and you just wanted to find a corner to go hide in. You didn't realize you hadn't stopped walking until you bumped into a girl around your height.

"I'm so sorry," you said bowing to her. She had beautiful black hair that reached her shoulders and glasses

"It's alright just be careful. You don't want to get hurt," she replied. She was so nice. You hoped everyone here could be like her. "I'm sorry, I don't remember you, Are you new here?" she asked. 

"Um yeah," you said so that she almost couldn't here you, "It's my first year here." 

"Are you a first year then?" she wondered.

"Sadly no, I'm a third year, but I'm probably supposed to be a first year," you replied, "my old school apparently talked to the staff here and got me moved up a few years."

"That explains why you're so nervous today," she said kindly, "I'm a third year as well, if you show me your class list, I can show you around the school."

"Thank you so much!" You exclaim, "I'm YN LN....LN YN, I'm still not used to Japan," 

"You can just call me Kiyoko and I'll call you YN if that's easier," she was so nice.

"Okay Kiyoko-senpai! Did I use that right?" You ask her.

"You don't need to use senpai when speaking to me, but yes, you can use it when speaking to an upperclassman," she states.

"My homestay sister was trying to make sure I used the all of the terms correctly, but I'm probably still going to mess up."

The assembly starts and you have to turn your attention away from your classmate. It lasts for a long time, and when it seems like it's never going to end, it finally does. Kiyoko shows you where all of your classes are, and makes her way to her classroom.

When you enter your class, one of your classmates looks at you giving you the creeps.

"Hey, little girl the first years are in another classroom," he says in a mocking voice making his friends laugh. You want to run out and cry. Why do I have to be a third year. They suddenly stop laughing. You turn around and Kiyoko is glaring at them. 

"I forgot to say have a good day YN." She leaves the room and everyone is silent. You guess Hana didn't have to come and show anyone who's boss. Kiyoko could shut them up with just a glare.

The teacher walks in and introduces you to the class. "Class this is LN YN she will be a third year at Karasuno. Despite her age, she is smarter than most of her peers, and no I don't mean the first years, I mean you." You take your seat and listen to the lecture until it is time for lunch.

For lunch you head outside and eat the bento box Hana had packed for you the night before. Kiyoko comes out to find you.

"Have you thought about what club you're going to join?" she asked after sitting down next to you and opening her lunch. 

You remembered your Sensei saying something about that, but you weren't really paying attention.You eat some rice then reply, "Not really, I wish I didn't have to." You remembered Hana saying you would have to choose a club.

"Why not manage the volleyball club with me," she encouraged, "The first years are a handful this year and some extra help would be great! Especially since your'e their age, but responsible!"

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