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Third person POV...

It's awkward.

Too awkward.

The two had been walking for almost half an hour now since they had entered the Nether realm and the silence was making black rock so uncomfortable. She would occasionally glance over at Astaroth who was walking a little bit ahead of her. She couldn't see the expression on his face but she could imagine it as a frown since it was always his default expression.

Black rock sighs heavily, trying to distract herself from the awkwardness as well as the pain in her feet by looking around the odd looking forest and the creatures that inhabited it.

It didn't work.

So she decides to start up a conversation.

"Soo... Any particular reason why we don't just use your wings and fly us to their headquarters? It would be a lot easier" she says with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Astaroth doesn't reply right away, stopping for a moment to sniff the air before he continues walking. He still doesn't answer.

"Umm... You still haven't answered me" black rock says raising an annoyed brow at him folding her arms. Astaroth stops walking abruptly, causing her to almost bump into his wide back.

"Don't push it shooter..." He pauses turning around to face her, "it's already taking everything in me not to just kill you right now and get it over with. So don't push your luck"

Black rock furrows her brows with a frown, "I have a right to know why you're making us walk. My partner has less than two days and here you are being all stubborn and arrogant!".

Astaroth narrows his eyes at her, looking as intimidating as ever but the girl still stands her ground. Glaring into the demon's cold red eyes.

Moments pass with black rock "patiently" waiting for the prince's response. But he simply turns around and continues to walk making her jaw drop in disbelief. She parts her lips about to start ranting when Astaroth speaks.

"We're walking so we don't attract attention. If I fly, they'll spot us right away and attack and we don't need that" he answers dryly as black rock nods slowly in understanding, "now keep shut".

The last sentence makes her scoff. Keep shut? She was just getting started.

Several minutes pass with them just walking. Black rock still doesn't say anything, giving him time to cool off before she asks another question she's been itching to ask.

"So any particular reason why you're so hell bent on taking me to your dad? Am I some kind of magical princess that you guys so desperately want to catch me? " Black rock says in a teasing tone. She knew exactly why they wanted to catch her. But she wanted to hear his side of the story.

"Drop it shooter.." he growls in a warning tone which amuses her. She almost trips on a broken branch and she doesn't even realize it.

The silence between them grows once more, the crunching of the footsteps as they walked on dried leaves the only sound heard. Except it wasn't as awkward as it was before as she was too amused by his cold reactions to actually feel awkward around him.

Suddenly, the sky starts to rumble just as Black rock opened her mouth about to say something. Her head raises up to see darker clouds covering the already dark clouds in the sky.

"It's going to rain.... We have to take shelter" Astaroth mumbles looking around. Black rock scoffs.

"Who knew the demon prince couldn't handle a little rain? Isn't that sad" she says smugly making Astaroth turn around to face her.

Dark Love (Len X Miku X Rin) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now