Two faced lover...

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Miku POV...

"So... Tell me why you guys are really here. Besides saving my butt out there. And how's Neru?" I say sitting on the stool at my dresser.

I couldn't even begin to describe how greatfull I was for these two coming here today. Gumi had gone mom-zilla on me during breakfast. Demanding where I had been the past two days because she also called Piko and even he had no idea. Which made her all the more worried.

And just when I ran out of excuses to say since I couldn't possibly say I was at Piko's, these two witches graced me with their arrival.

You know what happened from there.

"Zaria is doing better. She woke up today but is too weak to stand up. Besides that, she's fine" Teto says laying flat on my bed.

"And we came here because my mother wants to have a word with you" Luka says which makes me pale.

"Wh...what? Am I in trouble?" I ask hesitantly feeling my stomach twisting in knots.

"Trouble? No far from it. Do not worry" She chuckles coming to stand next to me facing the mirror. She waves her hand over the window and it starts to glow, flushing a bright pink light before finally revealing the empress her self seated in her then looking gorgeous as ever.

"Hello empress" I say giving a bow and she nods smiling warmly.

"Hello black rock shooter. I'm sure you must be wondering why I wanted to speak to you" she says and I nod slowly. Heart pounding in anticipation.

"I want to say that I'm highly impressed with how you got back Zaria's chain. You've once again proved to everyone why you were chosen as that special black rock shooter" she says and I blush looking down with a smile. She just complicated me...

"How old are you child?" She asks and I raise my gaze up.

"Sixteen" I mumble shyly.

"Extraordinary. I knew you were the youngest black rock shooter but I didn't know you were this young..." She pauses looking me over, "do you realize what that makes you Black rock?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Being the black rock shooter is more than just possessing the power of the bracelet as well as the weapons it provides you with. It's about how smart you are to use it and how strong you are to contain it's power within you. The powers of the bracelet could drain a being especially when used wrongly or too much. But you Miku, besides being the first human to ever possess the watch, the deeds you've done with that bracelet is unlike any of the past shooters. You really are the one"

Oh my God these compliments my insides can't handle them. It's too much! I feel like bursting into confetti.

"Which is why I wanted to talk to you today. It is time for you to fulfill your destiny Miku" she says suddenly turning serious and my smile turns into a frown.

"You remember I asked you before, do you promise to put your heart aside to do the right thing? And you said yes" she pauses as I nod slowly, "it's time for you to fulfill that promise. After what you did yesterday, its clear that you're ready".

I gulp, "ready for what?" I ask fidgeting. I didn't like where this was going.

"We have been ready to battle the demon king for a very long time. We've only been waiting for you. And now that you're ready, it's time to end this. But you'll have to help us do one thing first" she says giving me hard stare when she notices me squirming a little.

"Which is?"

She still stares at me which honestly intimidates me. Silent moments pass before she speaks, "we have to disarm him first. And by disarm, I mean take the twins out of the picture" she says which makes me shoot up my seat with wide eyes.

Dark Love (Len X Miku X Rin) [COMPLETED/EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now