Chapter Seven: Icing up Old Wounds

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"I'm so sorry she hurt you," Graci says later that night as we sit cross legged on my bed. She holds a package of frozen peas to my head as I tape it. It looks ridiculous, I know, but it gets the job done. 

"Don't be," I scoff. "I've been roughed up before.  Being the only openly gay kid in this joyful little town of ours, earns you some thick skin." 

"Well, I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you and your family are doing for me," Graci smiles, blushing at the ground. I slap my hand into her own. 

"Of course," I grin.  "I guess-- uh I guess-- I'm the one who owes you an apology," I say. 

"But Winter, you haven't done anything," she says. 

"Maybe not, but  I did assume... all these years I just assumed that you were happy in this town, happy to be whatever Karen wanted. Wanted the same thing," I explain. "It never occurred to me that you may not have had a choice." 

"But I did," she said, twirling a finger around a stray auburn lock. "I did have a choice." Her deep blue eyes look into mine. There is a  and brokenness in them that makes me want to bawl for days. 

"You deserve better," I whisper. 

"Oh Winter, please don't think she's a bad person; she's a great mother-- she just..." Graci trails off, her hands shaking. "She didn't see me. She didn't see who I was... she only saw who she wanted me to be. So, I pretended, because I didn't want to be a disappointment. God,  Winter.. I-I didn't... I never wanted to disappoint her..."  Graci  falls into my arms limply . I hold her, stroking her back. 

"Shh... she still loves you," I tell her. "You're not a disappointment. She's just scared, I think. Of what she doesn't know. That doesn't excuse how she's acting, but maybe she needs to learn-- learn that no fear lies in love." 

"T-Thanks Winter," Graci says, taking a  big breath and separating us. "And can you do me a favour?"

"What's that?"  

"Call me Grace. Just Grace." 


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