Chapter Nine: Dancing In The Dark

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"I-I'd better go," I say despite my uncertainty. 

"Stay.." Sara says, her doe eyes locked on mine, her arm spread carelessly around my waist. I look up at the stars. Twinkling diamonds light years away. 

"No, really," I say, getting up. "I don't want anyone to notice I'm gone. My sister-- well she has a child now, see. A-and its almost 6am. She'll be up soon." 

"Dale Walters has a child?" Sara asks, her eyes wide. Oliver Walters, my mother's first husband and Dale's biological father died in a plane crash when she was only three years old. For a long time after that it was just she and my mom-- until I came along seven years later. 

"Yep," I grin, "Nina's amazing." 

"Whoah," I officially feel old," Sara says. 

"Relax," I smile. "Dale's got a decade on us." 


I sneak back into my room twenty minutes later, nobody catching me. 

Then I close my eyes to dream of butterflies and blue skies and all the sap-crap I would normally not give a fuck about. 

But Sara... 

Sara makes me give a fuck. 

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