Being alone had its perks. You had silence and solitude. Calm and orderly environment. And SOOOO much free time. The only thing that was bad was that everyone looks at you in pity. And I mean EVERYONE. So what happens when women from the underworld...
I watch as y/n gets back with his girls. All of those who love him. It's quite entertaining to say the least. I leave as began to put my plan together.
"Y/n y/n y/n. You are nothing but a stain. Splattered on reality. You were never meant to exist. But here you are. Ruining the perfect world." I say as walk in my home.
"I will make sure that you suffer an eternity for your existence. And when I am finally done playing with your broken soul I will erase you from this plain of existence. Order will finally be restored and I will have my perfect reality again." I say as I look out into the land.
"The love those girls have for you will be my favorite tool to break you."
Things have gotten a little bit crazy ever since the wedding crash. With that being said I mean that Rias and the other began to visit my home every week or so.
But Cerberus has ways of calming me down. Was such as snuggling with me, asking for head pats, and bringing me food to eat. Pan also helps me by shutting everyone up with threats of her sadistic side.
Lucifer helps maintain order in the household as they all want to comfort me. Melina and I play games as a way to relax and compete. Zdrada full out shoves my head into either her thighs or chest, depending on her mood.
Justice likes to keep in shape so she uses her hands to massage my back as a warm up for her exercises. Judgement well. . . . .
"Shall we begin our passionate copulation y/n~ you can be the master and I the slave.~" she says as she chained herself to the bed exposing her body.
My response was to shut the door and lock the damn thing.
"Y/n? Y/n. Can you untie me please? These aren't spirit chains so I can't make them disappear!" She yells as I continue to walk away from the room.
"Your a demon Judgement! You can break those cuffs easily! I'm not falling for that!" I yell. In the distance I can here her break the cuffs and scream at the failed attempt.
God damn it. I want to keep my virginity but the allure of lust is starting to take over! Should just say screw it?
But then my saving grace came as I heard a knock on the door. I went over to open it. I saw jack on the other side. I smiled at a familiar face but something was off.
"Jack what are you wearing?" I asked him as he was wearing a suit of some kind.
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"What do you think? It's for the karaoke night at the bar. Come on I'm sure you remember." He says disappointed.
Yeah I know that the karaoke night is tonight. But in all honesty I rather stay in bed and rest off the rest of the week.
"Oh yeah. I forgot. Sorry Jack maybe next time. For now I just want to rest after all that has happened. I need my quiet time too ya know." I say honestly.
He nods and wishes me good night. I close the door as I sit on the couch watching Melina play her games. She pauses the game to ask if I'm okay. She may have the look of grumpy cat but she has a heart of pure gold.
"Yeah I'm okay just tired." I answer.
She nods as she hugs me and goes back to playing her video games. Feeling tired I decided to go to bed early. I'm still trying recover from the wedding crash and my fight with riser. Finally making it to my bedroom I collapsed on my bed and I let out a sigh.
"Man who knew that life can go into a 180 just like that?" I say.
I try to get up but I couldn't. I moved my arms but it felt like someone was on me. I looked to the face of my captor and I saw-
(You wanted it and thy shall receive. The next chapter will contain the lemon you stormed the gates for. In this area comment the name of who you want to be in the lemon. After three days I'll look through the comments and the one with the most comments will be in lemon. And as always I will see you in the next chapter.)