Why TF Are You Looking At My Dick?

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PikachuHair started a private chat with RedHard.

PikachuHair: Hey bro, are you okay? What happened?

RedHard: Oh hey Kaminari. I'm alright.

PikachuHair: Tf happened???

RedHard: I-

RedHard: Idk how to tell you.

PikachuHair: Kiri, bro, it's okay. I'm here for you.

RedHard: I just... don't know how to feel rn, Kami.

PikachuHair: Is it because of what happened between Izuku and Bakugo?

RedHard: Yeah.

PikachuHair: What was it?

RedHard: ...

RedHard: Kami.. Kami they kissed. They fucking kissed.

PikachuHair: Oh well, we all saw that coming.

PikachuHair: Wait, why are you surprised, I thought it was obvious they-

PikachuHair: Wait...

PikachuHair: WAIT.

PikachuHair: Oh fuck..

RedHard: ...

PikachuHair: You're in love with MIDORIYA???

RedHard: WHAT? NO. Kami-

PikachuHair: Yeah ik, I'm just playin. I've known that you're balls deep in love with Bakugo for a while now.

RedHard: Yeah, Kami, I-


PikachuHair: Yeah bro, all he has to do is walk into the room and your dick IMMEDIATELY-


PikachuHair: Sorry bro, it's true

RedHard: Wait why tf are you looking at my dick???

PikachuHair: ...

PikachuHair: No comment.

RedHard: Bro...


RedHard: You ARE going to give me an explanation later.

PikachuHair: I'll think about it.

RedHard: KAMI.

PikachuHair: Tell me about your feelings for Bakugo.

RedHard: It's hard to put into words. I guess I just thought we really had something. I always felt like the one person who really got through to him, but I guess I was wrong.

PikachuHair: How does he make YOU feel, Kiri?

RedHard: Idk he makes me feel like really great and happy. Like nothing else matters as long as he's there.

RedHard: I knew him and Izuku had known each other since childhood, and there's a connection between them, there's no doubt about it. I just thought, after everything, at the end of the day, I'm the one that matters most to him. That he'd pick me.

RedHard: But he chose him...

PikachuHair: Kiri, are you still at his house?

RedHard: No I went home shortly after I saw them kiss..

PikachuHair: Alright, open your window, I'm coming over.

RedHard: What why-

PikachuHair: Shut up and open your window, dickhead.

RedHard: You know I have a front door, right?

PikachuHair: The window still isn't open Kiriii

RedHard: Okay okay I'm coming. You're so fucking weird, Kami.

PikachuHair: You know you love it ;)

RedHard: Get through the window already, I'm getting cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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