It's About Time

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Sadie Kane was getting even more agitated.

"Hey sis, and I get that I might not remember you or anything, but you know me so maybe you would listen," Carter said, clearly not understanding the love and hate relationship they had. "Maybe go get him back,"

"Get who back? I'm happy. Don't need anything at the moment," Sadie faked before letting out a sigh and flipping onto the couch. "She has him under some kind of spell. He's mesmerized by her, he's not him anymore,"

"You know I could've been talking about Walt," Carter sat down next to his sister. "I mean, I'm not, but I could've been,"

"What do I do, Carter? I'm trying to be happy, I finally have Walt back and that's what I've dreamed of for so long, but I can only think of Percy and wonder what happened. He hated her, and now he's her doting slave? What happens now?"

"Well first thing is you realize he loves you, he's just under a spell. He hated Annabeth, the only thing that happened between them was when he first saw her end loyalty came back. For a split second. He loves you now,"

"No he doesn't," Sadie shook that ridiculous idea out of her head. "Besides, I can't like him. So it would make things easier if he didn't like me,"

Carter looked confused, "Wait, hold on. Why can't you like him back?"

"Walt asked me to be his girlfriend," Sadie blurted out. "I hadn't seen him in so long and we were together before he betrayed me and there's Anubis in him and I had a thing with him and so I said yes which means I cannot be into Percy which means he cannot love me,"

Carter just sat there blinking, staring at his sister in shock and surprise. "Did you always ramble this much?"

"Shut up," Sadie playfully shoved her brother. "But your right, I need to go get Percy. I'll be back soon, hopefully with him rather than without,"

Sadie walked through the camp, doing what her father might've called 'walk with a purpose'. She threw open the door to the Poseidon cabin.

"That's it, what did you do to Percy?" She hissed, all the rage she's had for the past weak welling up and bubbling to the surface.

"What did I do to him?" Annabeth asked with a fake smile. "Well Sadie, I simply opened his eyes. He doesn't even care about you or anyone else anymore. He's mine now. But I will offer you a way to get him back. Kiss him,"

"Kiss him? I'm dating Walt, I can't do that. Besides, that could ruin our entire relationship. He might hate me," Sadie reasoned.

"But he'd be him again, and don't you think he would like that over anything else?" Annabeth gave a small laugh.

Sadie glared but walked over to Percy. "Im sorry,"

Percy was woken up to Sadie kissing him and he kissed back, relieved that she loved him back because he didn't know what to do if she didn't.

"I'm glad your awake, and I hope you don't think there's anything between us, Annabeth said it was the only way. I'm just glad your back,"

"Oh, um, obviously. There's nothing between us, I know that," Percys face was bright red although Sadie thought it was just from the kiss. "I-I have to go,"

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