Any answeres?

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Philips P.O.V

Sal was a wierd kid, he always wore this creepy looking mask. Some of the freshmens wanted to go to a different school because of Sal, must've hurt alot. He had electric blue hair, which he used to wear in pigtails, but he has been letting it hang down recently. One thing was very obvious about him though... He hated Mothers Day more than anything in the world.

Maybe he was a rude kid secretly, eh not my place to get in his personal life and problems. Speaking of problems, here comes my favourite problem child, Travis Phelps. Whether he likes it or not, we're friends, he just doesn't want to admit it at all.

My mood quickly turned from good to worried. Travis looked like he had been hit by a yellow crayola bus, that turned dirty and bloody- He had tears swelling in his eyes. "Travis..Man what did he do today?" Travis looked at me, then at Sal and his friends. He quickly left leaving me in the hallways, all alone, and wantig to know what happend.

Travis' P.O.V

My face hurt and my nose was probably broken, and all thanks to Fisher... My father had found my stash of confession notes to Sal, which were never going to do anything since I was never going to confess to him anyways. Philip was probably following me, wanting answeres on what happend, but when he follows me or comes near me, I'll just leave and hide.

I was going to hide from him because I have a habit. A habit where if I'm under too much pressure from someone, I'll spill the whine from god. Which I definitely did not want to do. Since he doesn't know I'm gay. And I don't him or anyone to know. I go out the back and sit there wishing my mom was here, really badly. She left me when I was 2 years old. She tried shooting me before she left to start a new life. I still loved her more than my dad though. My mother only did something bad once. He had been hitting me for the past 13 years 24/7 everytime I stepped out of line, even if it was slightly.

Sal's P.O.V

I was talking to Larry about asking Ash out, he was really helpful. Even though we both liked her, we thought I had a better shot.


Today was the day I ask Ash out, I was really nervous. What if I screwed everything up? What if she likes Larry and not me?(Wink wink, nudge nudge)
anyways I was gonna do it, no holding back. I approached the beautiful brunette  "Hey Ash!" She looks behind her, "Oh hey Sal! Watcha up to?" "I wanted to ask you something..." she looks a little confused " Oh, okay. What is it?" "W-well I was wondering if you wanted to g-go out w-with m-me?" Her face dropped "Sal... I'm sorry, but I like Larry, I really am sorry." My world crumbles beneth my feat, I had liked her for so long, only for Larry to be chosen. I went to the only person I knew to go to.

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